Blue Class
Happy Easter
Hello Everyone,
Very well done Blue Class for working so hard this half term during our Adventures and Easter topics.
It has been a busy few weeks and yesterday you finished on a high with a great song and poem performance to entertain visitors at our art exhibition. We were so very proud to see your excellent artwork on display and pleased to see many orders placed. We imagine they have pride of place in your house and in many grannie and grandads’ houses too!
We’ve also enjoyed a super 'live' family assembly this half term as well as excellent sporting performances in High Five netball and cross country. All of our events this half term have shown us just how much your courage, resilience and communication skills have developed. Well done Blue Class.
Over the holidays, have fun reading and keep practising those times tables too. Can you master the 7s before we move onto the 9s and 12s when we return?
Have a wonderful Easter break and a well earned rest. We’ll see some of you for holiday club next week but if not, we’ll look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks to begin our ‘Go Global’ topic.
From Miss Townsend and Miss Kuriger
Blue Class news
Blue Class homework
Happy Half Term
Hello Everyone,
Well done for another successful half term with lots of hard work and creativity. It was lovely to finish our Ancient Egypt topic today sharing your learning with our Yellow Class friends with the bread tasting a particular hit (especially of pepper and chilli for some)!
This week, 'Bankwell' has been in operation for the first time and it has been great to see you paying in your hard earned wages, from bakers to window cleaners to Nursery helpers. Have a happy half term and a well earned rest. We look forward to seeing you in a week's time for the start of our Adventures topic. You'll find out which particular adventure/adventurer you'll be learning about when you return.
From Miss Townsend and Miss Kuriger
Blue Class homework
Blue Class news
Happy Christmas
Well done Blue Class for a great end of term. Your performances in Christmas Around the World were fantastic and, if your grown ups at home are able to watch it on the DVD or online, they will be equally as proud of you as the adults in school. You certainly led the way as Year 4s with great singing, dancing and narrating.
We’ve certainly shared a lot of exciting learning this half term including our Wonderful Words Celebration Day, solving dilemmas about libraries and exploring and discussing famous Christmas paintings. And what a lovely end to the term today with a brilliant panto, being crowned Christmas Wake 'n' Shake champions and fun party games! You've all been stars and have made it really enjoyable for the adults too.
We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and enjoy having fun and lots of rest with your family. Thank you so much for the very kind gifts and messages. It is very kind and generous of you.
Only eight more sleeps to go so keep being patient and keep safe.
Love from Miss Townsend, Miss Kuriger, Miss Burgess and Miss Bailey xxx
Blue Class news
Blue Class homework
Happy Half Term
Hello Blue Class,
We hope you are enjoying the half term break, having fun and lots of rest after a hardworking first half term in Blue Class. What a great half term it was with lots of excellent learning, a fascinating trip to Chedworth Roman Villa, scarecrow making and brilliant story sacks you created for our Yellow Class friends. Well done to all of you.
When we return to school on Monday, we start a new topic all about Roald Dahl. I wonder which of his stories will be waiting for us, wrapped up for us to open. We all enjoyed Billy and the Minpins so another Roald Dahl story to share and compare will be a treat. Be ready on Monday to do some good thinking and problem solving as we will start off the topic by working on another dilemma based on our new book.
It has been good to see so many of you continuing to work hard at home with daily reading and times table practice. It helps you make great progress. Our new library book box has been a big hit so don't forget to bring any finished books back to school next week so you can choose a new one. We will be revisiting the 3 times table over the next couple of weeks so have a little practice if you can before you come back to school to help develop your fluency and accuracy. If you think you already know the 3 times table by heart, then for an extra challenge practise recalling the corresponding division facts or use your place value knowledge to try calculations such as 30 x 8 and 300 x 9.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Monday with your P.E kit, warm socks ready for when you go to Forest School and big smiles.
From Miss Townsend and Miss Kuriger