Blue Class
Blue Class homework
Blue Class homework
Blue Class homework
Blue Class homework
Blue Class news
Blue Class homework
Blue Class news
Happy Holidays
Hello Children,
Well done for a fantastic first half term in Blue Class. You have worked hard and shown great enthusiasm during our 'Through the Ages' and 'In the Woods' topics. Making board games, going on an autumn woodland walk, a sponsored mile and solving a Bronze Age hoard dilemma have been just a few of the highlights.
We start the next half term with a 'Tell Me a Story' topic. We'll keep our chosen story a secret until you return but here are a few clues to get you thinking:
- It's set in a cold, snowy place.
- Turkish delight and a character called Mr Tumnus feature.
- The author has a link to Malvern and you can spot a feature in the story on the hills.
Have a good rest and play next week and enjoy time with your family. Please keep reading too and practise the 3 and 4 times tables until you can recall all of these facts by heart in any order and within 3 seconds.
We look forward to seeing you after the holiday.
Love from Miss Townsend, Miss Kuriger, Mrs Marks and Miss Burgess x