Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Key Documents, Policies & Safeguarding

All policies are available on request from the school office. They include Curriculum policy, Child Protection policy (Safeguarding), Online safety policy, Behaviour policy, Complaints Procedure and Subject policies.

 ...we are thrilled our children have the opportunity to attend Blackwell...BFS creates a very nurturing environment in which the children thrive... (Parent Comment)

Policy & Information Links

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The school is committed to high rates of attendance, knowing that children attain well when their attendance is good or better. See the school policy. Click here.

For school absence requests complete the following form. Click here.



This school believes that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children. We will provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or at risk of harm. We will work co-operatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first - unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is Anna Moss.

The Deputy Designated People for child protection are Fleur Webb and Helen Townsend.

The Governor with responsibility for child protection is Debbie Wilson.

These people also hold responsibility for children in the Looked After system.

We review our policy and procedures on an annual basis.

Click here to read our Safeguarding (with Child Protection Policy) 2024

Please see the school Safeguarding (including Child Protection policy) and esafety policies which cover all types of abuse and includes radicalisation and extremism as part of child exploitation.

We are an Operation Encompass school and work with the police and other agencies to protect the children in our care from harm. For further information and support, refer to Government advice https://www.gov.uk/report-domestic-abuse

Procedures that ensure that the school offers excellent safeguarding measures include:

  • -careful vetting during the recruitment of all new staff taking account of Department for Education guidance, including ensuring recruiters have received Safer Recruitment training;
  • -thorough induction for all staff and annual training for all staff;
  • -annually reviewed procedures and policies through the Governing Body, including multi agency working arrangements;
  • -clear procedures for all staff outlined in the staff handbook, including risk assessments for all aspects of school life, which are updated annually and involve the children;
  • -head teacher is the Designated Senior Person with responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection and receives training every two years;
  • -assistant head teacher and a Senior teacher are also trained as Designated Senior People;
  • -Vice Chair of Governors undertakes termly reviews of all aspects of safeguarding, including Child Protection, Positive Handling, Pupil Safety, Medical Needs, the Single Central Record (which maintains details on staff members and volunteers) and any incidents referring to bullying, esafety or racism;
  • -regular monitoring by the governors and head teacher, including discussions with pupils and parent questionnaires and
  • -there is a whistleblowing policy which is available to all staff. 

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Click here for our Early Help Offer and Support for Families.

Click here for the Worcestershire Virtual Family Hub.



We are required to publish information regarding the sharing of information on children in our care.

Click here for our Privacy Notice for children and families.

Click here for our Data Protection Policy.



Please click here for our Relationship and Behaviour policy.  Blackwell First School has a set of Governor guiding principles on behaviour that support the school policy, please click here. Please click here to read the Anti-bullying policy. Our policy complies with Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. 



Click here for our SEND policy 2023.

For Blackwell First School's SEND Information Report, click here. We are compliant with all guidelines and statutory duties including Section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Please click here to read the school's Accessibility Policy. Please click here for Worcestershire's SEND offer. The SEND policy references the link with the Accessibility Policy under 'Equality and Inclusion'. For further information on admissions for SEND, provision and the school's curriculum offer, please contact the SENDco, Miss H Townsend. Our SEND governor is Mr Ken Lewis who is contactable through the school office. 

...any additional needs are quickly identified and supported.. (Parent Comment)



For children with medical conditions that require support above and beyond the average child in mainstream provision, we follow guidance as set out by the Department for Education in the document ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions- April 2014’. The school policy is available from the school office on request.

Administration of medication

In light of government guidance, when children are well enough to be in school, but require medication (such as antibiotics) we ask that parents request that ‘where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours’ (Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions- April 2014).

Where this is not possible, in agreement with the head teacher, school staff will administer medication with written parental consent and only when in date medication is received in original packaging that is clearly labelled and includes instructions for administration, dosage and storage. This will be administered at or as close to 12 noon as possible.


RSE - RELATIONSHIP, including Sex Education, POLICY

"RSE is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of loving and caring relationships." Please see the policy here.



At Blackwell First School we take online safety seriously as reflected in our policy. Please read helpful information on the Child Net site to help safeguard children using the internet. Useful resources to download and print can be found here. https://www.childnet.com/



Blackwell's excellent curriculum has led to it gaining several Worcestershire Effective Practice Marks and a Leading Aspect Award.



Blackwell First School complies with the Public Sector Equality Act. Information on the Equality Act can be requested from the school. As an inclusive school, details on how we eliminate discrimination can be found in our Inclusion Policy, Behaviour Policy, Curriculum Policy and Equal opportunities Policy. Our equality objectives are:

  • -narrow the gap between the attainment of the lowest 20% of attainers and the nationally expected level and
  • -develop and widen children's understanding of the nature of the UK as a multicultural society.



Download here.



Blackwell First School Complaints procedure is available through the School office. In the first instance, complaints should be addressed to the class teachers or school office. Matters are most successfully resolved at this level. If there is further need to work together on ongoing issues, the formal complaint procedure can be adopted which involves the Headteacher and Governing Body.

Click here for the complaints procedure. 



Schools are funded based on the number of children at the school. Schools with children eligible for Free School Meals, children of Service families or Looked After children (children in care arrangements) receive additional funding to support the needs of these learners. This is called Pupil Premium. There is a requirement for schools to report Pupil Premium funding on a school website and its impact. Our strategy provides this information. Additional government funding has been allocated to schools in order to support schools in providing catch up programmes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools are required to report on its use and the Covid-19 strategy below provides this information. 

Click here for our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024


 Blackwell First School Prevent Statement

At Blackwell First School British Values are promoted in an open, honest environment where adults are positive role models. Children’s opinions are valued. Children are taught to respect the environment, the beliefs and the viewpoints of others.

Through a broad, balanced and tailored SMSC curriculum, which supports the development of the whole child, children are taught about their own and other’s faiths, beliefs and cultures. This provides them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make informed choices and make decisions regarding their actions and attitudes to ensure they can make a positive contribution to our modern British society.

This SMSC provision is also taught through regular Forest School sessions, Philosophy for Children, Circle Time, PSHE, RE lessons and Collective Worship themes based on Universal Values and linked to the UN ‘Rights of the Child’. British Values are further developed through a number of community links with different schools and Pupil Voice groups, enabling children to be involved in a democratic process following the rule of law.