School Staff
...professional development for ALL staff over many years means that we are a united and consistent team...
(Staff comment)
Head teacher/ Curriculum lead: Mrs Anna Moss
Deputy Head teacher/ SENDco: Miss Helen Townsend
Teachers: Miss Helen Townsend/ Miss Bethan Kuriger - Year 4
Teacher: Miss Abbie Davis/ Miss Bethan Kuriger - Year 3
Teacher: Miss Nicole Bailey/ Mrs Naomi Hampton - Year 2
Teacher: Miss Olivia Smith/ Mrs Naomi Hampton - Year 1
Teacher: Mrs Katie James/ Mrs Naomi Hampton - Reception
Teacher: Mrs Lynsey Mander - Nursery
Teachers: Mrs Liz Hipkiss - Forest School
Music teachers: Mrs Liz Hipkiss/ Mrs Liz Grainger/Mrs Christianne Cutler/ Mrs Sarah Johnson/ Mrs Lisa Spurgeon
Forest School pre school: Mrs Katie James
(Mrs Fleur Webb- maternity leave)
...the staff go above and beyond in all areas...
...exceptional teaching and support staff. Staff who consistently deliver - it is evident through the happiness and progress made...
(Parent comments)
Mrs Mary Hilton- Main office
Mrs Clare Tomlinson- Finance
Mrs Sarah Wilkinson- Data Protection, Management systems, Procurement, Contracts
Mrs Debbie Satchell- Blackwell School Club
Mrs Debbie Wilson-Bromsgrove Primary Alliance and Health and Safety
Higher Level Teaching Assistants: Mrs Allison Allen- Nursery and Forest School/ Mrs Thompson- After School Club/ Mrs Naomi Hampton
Teaching assistants: Mrs Samantha Cooper and Mrs Sashika Taylor- Year 3
Teaching assistant: Mrs Samantha Cooper and Mrs Sashika Taylor- Year 4
Teaching assistant: Miss Florence Andersen- Reception
Teaching assistant: Mrs Karen Thompson and Miss Stephanie Gregg- Year 1 Teaching assistant: Mrs Sharon Marks and Mrs Susie Miles- Year 2
Teaching assistant: Miss Lydia Edwards/ Mrs Jen Grice/ Mrs Joanne Lampon/ Mr Ricky Chan - Group Provision
Teaching assistants: Mrs Jo Franklin/ Mrs Anna Kuriger - Nursery
Forest School- Mrs Deb Bailey
Mrs Sharon Barker and Mrs Susie Miles Assistant - Miss Ellie Shepherd
Mrs Debbie Wilson