School Tour Print | Email Come and see what life is like for our children at Blackwell First School. IMG 0162 DSCN0939 blackwell first school tea and toast 300 IMG 0153 DSCN0942 blackwell first school right to read 300 IMG 0157 BFS website 026 tour 230 96dpi IMG 0158 blackwell first school front school room 01 300 film club BFS website 050 tour 230 96dpi DSCN0932 BFS website 032 tour 230 96dpi blackwell first school high street 300 IMG 0143 blackwell first school front doors 01 300 IMG 0164 group teaching IMG 0149 IMG 0159 DSCN0934 IMG 0163 DSC 0017 h500c h230c IMG 0144 blackwell first school original build 02 300 pom poms school hall DSCN0937 IMG 0156 IMG 0154 blackwell first school front view 01 300 DSCN0933 DSCN0936 IMG 0145 IMG 0152 BFS website 037 tour 230 96dpi2 IMG 0142 blackwell first school front school room 02 300 music piano lessons BFS website 039 tour 230 96dpi BFS website 086 tour 230 96dpi BFS website 038 tour 230 96dpi IMG 0160 DSCN0940 IMG 0148