Purple Class
Purple Class
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Hello Purple
Hello Purple Class,
I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week's break from school. You were so brilliant in your class assembly on the last day of term, I'm sure you've had a well deserved rest.
When we come back to school, we are going to learn about Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day as these are both happening in the first week. So if you'd like to do some homework next week, perhaps you could find out if there are any stories to tell about the World Wars in your family. Maybe there was a relative that took part. Maybe you have a few photos. You can share what you find out in class.
The following week we will start our 'Special Places' topic and I'll be planning lots of different home learning opportunities for you.
See you on Monday
Miss K, Mabel and Peggy :)
Purple Class homework
Click here for the latest homework.
Purple Class news
Click here for Purple Class news.
A good first week
Hello Purple Class,
I just wanted to write you a little well done letter as you all did brilliantly settling in to the new classroom and new lessons. I was particularly impressed with your history learning this week and you interpreted many different historical sources to find out what life was like back in the Victorian era. It won't be long before mums, dads and visitors will get a little look at your fabulous learning on Open Evening.
Don't forget the Victorian visit later this term too. I have been to have a sneaky look and plan some great learning for you and I think you'll love it. It would be really lovely if we could travel back in time and dress up as real Victorians too. It will make the day even more exciting. Have a think about a simple costume you might wear. Perhaps you could do a little bit of research with a grown up to find out more.
On Friday you will have brought home a class newsletter and homework sheet. I wrote the Forest School days on there and lots of other helpful information too. Why not have a try at a homework activity this weekend? You can hand in your green homework book on Monday.
That's all for now,
Miss Kuriger, Mabel and Peggy