Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Purple Class

Happy break Purple

Hello Purple Class,

I hope you are all having a good week so far. We did so much learning for our Best Books and Christianity topics last half term, that I bet you were in much need of a good rest. I loved our visit to the cathedral, and your writing about it at the end of last week showed me that you did too!

I know some of you are away this week - I hope you have some good weather, although it's nice and sunny at school here at the moment anyway. The guineas are both fine at my house, enjoying a lie in as usual and very loud when it gets close to supper time. Nothing new there then.

I am busy getting some learning ready for next term for you all. We are going to have a new history topic for the afternoons - the Anglo Saxons. I'm sure you'll find it fascinating. If you would like to do a little bit of research, then the BBC website has some good information as a starting point - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/articles/zq2m6sg 

Keep up the reading and mental maths facts - halves and doubles to double 20 and knowing the multiplication and division facts for the 2s, 5s, and 10s tables is a good place to start.

See you all soon,

Miss K (Peggy and Bertie) :)

New topic

Hello Purple Class,

I just wanted to say well done for the fantastic book afternoon you hosted for Red Class today. You were able to share your stories, help the younger children develop new skills and of course have fun!

Our next topic will be Christianity and we look forward to learning stories, beliefs and practices. If you would like to do some homework over the next couple of weeks, you could do some research to find out more about this religion or perhaps visit a Christian place of worship yourself to see just what it is like.

Please continue to practise your reading and mental maths facts. Doubles and halves to double 20 and counting on and back in 3s would be a great place to start.

See you on Monday - with all your hats, scarves and gloves labelled with your names! :)

From Miss K, Peggy and Bertie (both currently eyeing me up with their feet on the bowl waiting for supper)

Happy New Year!

Hello Purple Class...we are now in 2019, although I wonder how long it will take me not to put 2018 on the board...you'll have to help me out!

I really hope you have had a great break so far. Thank you so much for your wonderful and generous gifts for Christmas. Miss Arscott, Mrs Moran and I are very grateful, so thank you.

Peggy and Bertie were very pleased with their carrots as an early treat and on Christmas day opened their pine cone garland (it's been munched a bit), their sunflower seed gingerbread man (only one leg was left by lunchtime) and their tasty hay (a big hit too). I have sent the card you made to the rescue centre where we got Bertie from and I'm sure they will be very pleased to hear how he is getting on. The guineas have developed a new bad habit - tipping the bowl upside down. I have tried explaining to them that it's not a good plan as they then can't get to the food, but they didn't seem to take that in. They haven't done it today...yet.

When I see you all on Monday, we will begin our topic of 'Best Books'. Please have a think about what your favourite book is and if you have it, bring it in to show. You'll need to be able to explain a little bit about the book and what makes it your 'best book'. I'm sure we'll have a good variety. I've got some of my favourites to share too. Peggy and Bertie have their favourite book at school already - they're trying to get top marks - teacher's pets :)

See you soon.

Miss Kuriger, Peggy (currently munching nuggets) and Bertie (currently munching hay)

Hello Purple

Hello Purple Class,

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week's break from school. You were so brilliant in your class assembly on the last day of term, I'm sure you've had a well deserved rest. 

When we come back to school, we are going to learn about Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day as these are both happening in the first week. So if you'd like to do some homework next week, perhaps you could find out if there are any stories to tell about the World Wars in your family. Maybe there was a relative that took part. Maybe you have a few photos. You can share what you find out in class.

The following week we will start our 'Special Places' topic and I'll be planning lots of different home learning opportunities for you.

See you on Monday

Miss K, Mabel and Peggy :)