Purple Class
Purple Class News
Happy Half Term
Hello Purple Class,
Happy half term! Well done for a great first half term in Purple Class. We have enjoyed learning lots about the Vikings and also about seasons in our latest topic. Our trip to Bishops Wood was a great time to learn more about nature and to be outside together. We hope that your grown ups have enjoyed looking at some of the learning that you brought home to share this week. We have been really proud of all your efforts. Well done Purple Class!
Due to the school trip and a shorter week this week, children have not have shared a new group reading book in school and so we have not assigned a new ebook this week. Please continue with the e-books already assigned and the home reading book and library book. We will upload a new e-book the first Friday back after half term.
Thank you for your continued support. We wish you a great half term and look forward to welcoming children back soon for our new topic, Traditional Tales.
From Miss Chamberlain and Miss Kuriger