16th February 2023
Happy half term everyone! We have finished on another week packed with learning – it is hard work being 3 and 4!
A message for parents – after half term we move onto our Spring topic that has a special day in the middle. Please could you send photos of just Mummy’s to the nursery@ email address for our new display? We always love to see some happy mouths (bouche) in our cabin. Have a half term everyone – much needed and well deserved! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
10th February 2023
The children have really enjoyed looking at their own and each other’s baby pictures, thank you for sending them. We will be talking about this lifecycle next week and these resources really help them to gain an understanding of how much they have changed.
A message for parents – counting forwards to ten and beyond accurately is a key nursery skill. Have you ever tried asking them to count backwards? Knowing the pattern of numbers backwards is equally as important and one that gets forgotten. Could you get into the habit of every time you count to any number, stop there and reverse it? E.g. we count days of the week 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 pause 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Have a lovely weekend everyone! Bring on that glorious sunshine! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
3rd February 2023
The children have done so well on arrival finding “their sound” picture card – these are going to help them with name recognition after half term when we move onto placing the picture next to their name. Being able to recognise their name will be another “school-ready” skill we can tick off!
A message for parents – some children are still bringing toys in from home following our technology week on “battery toys”. This was a popular week and so we will be repeating but for now can only soft, cuddly toys that fit in bags be brought in. Have a lovely weekend everyone! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
27th January 2023
Our Little Wandle phonics is in full swing and if the children come home talking about “their sound” this is the picture card that matches their initial sound e.g. Lucy is the lollipop, Jagraj is the jellyfish. Next week, they will be recognising daily as part of our self-registration.
A message for parents – please see Mrs Moss’ parentapp with regards hand cream in all classes. Alongside our new blue moisturising hand wash, we will now have our own hand cream for the children to use with every toilet visit! Please remember to send gloves in with the children every day too! Have a lovely weekend everyone! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X
20th January 2023
Thank you for sending the children in all wrapped up and ready for the cold temperatures. Please can you ensure that, if they come with own gloves, they are able to do it themselves - sometimes mittens are just the quickest option throughout this cold season.
A message for parents – with our Early Years French club in full swing with Mrs Wilson on a Tuesday after school, our French nursery friends (and Mrs Mander) are learning so many new words and phrases through songs and dance and are practising in nursery every day. Having an appreciation of other languages at such an early age is so important. I hope they are teaching you all some everyday words for hat, coat, gloves, boots. There are spaces available for anyone who would like to book in and come along 3.15-4.00! Have a lovely weekend everyone! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
13th January 2023
Many thanks to some of you for sending in those baby photos following the request on the Nursery Newsletter. The children are really enjoying seeing this display come together – please keep them coming via the nursery@ email address so we have a full set ready for our lifecycle topic.
A message for parents – the mark-making element of Write Dance has begun this term. We begin with water and soap and move on to paint, chalk and flour. Please ensure you send children in clothes that are OK to get a little dirty. Have a lovely (wet) weekend everyone! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X
Nursery News
16th December 2022
Many thanks for your cards, gifts and most importantly, kind words. It has been a hugely successful first term for all the children – some are unrecognisable to those that arrived back in September.
A message for parents – over the Christmas break, please can you continue work of independence with the children? Own shoes/boots on, coat arms in, teach them how to zip works, gloves onto hands. We have a feeling this Winter weather will still be with us in the New Year! In the words of Slade, Merry Christmas Everybody! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
Nursery News 02.12.22
Hello Nursery Families,
It’s been another busy week in the Nursery with lots of singing, storytelling and play in the great outdoors! The children have been working hard on their Christmas show with lots of trips to the school hall to sing and dance on the stage. We class ‘bobbing up and down’ as dancing in Nursery and we do it well!
Mrs Allen shared the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ using her story spoons and we listened to a retell of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ by Red Class. The Nursery children copied the story actions beautifully and joined in with the repeated parts of the story.
‘Boogie Hedgehog’ was our Dough Disco tune. Thank you, James, for choosing our song. Every press, pat and pull of the dough will help to strengthen our little fingers ready for mark making.
Thank you to our Nursery families for supporting Story Night. Under the twinkle of Mrs Allen’s fairy lights, we listened to stories, enjoyed some tasty treats and met some very special Christmas visitors! There were lots of happy faces.
On Monday, we’re filming, ‘The Nativity’. Please pop a plain top under your Christmas jumper (it’s Christmas Jumper Day on Monday too). We have all the costumes in school for our performance, but a plain top will keep us nice and warm in the hall.
Well done, Nursery!
Best wishes,
Mrs Webb and Team Nursery xxx
18th November 2022
Happy Friday All! A newly revamped Nursery weekly update which we are hoping is much easier for you to access on the parentapp.
A message for parents – many thanks for your orders for packs of the children’s Christmas cards. These will be prepared and come out to you next week ready for you to send to family and friends. Enjoy your weekend! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |