Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622


9th February 2024

Forest School Activity


We continued our Special places topic this week as we have been sharing our home photos and talking about our home.  On Thursday, we went on a wet “house hunt” walk to find some friends’ houses on St Catherine’s Road.  In Forest School Mrs Allen has been teaching you how to hammer nails into a wooden block ready for some DIY in your own homes.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

The Grand Old Duke of York

Making marks with felt tips pens is always fun but making marks to the song with one in each hand, hurt our brains.  Give it a try this half term with mark making tools in each hand.  Can you make your hands move together and in opposite directions?

Rhyme Time

The Grand Old Duke of York

Hearing when two words sound the same is one of our favourite morning games.  We use photos from the rhyme e.g. down, crown, hill and take it in turns to say which words rhyme.  Say it silly was popular as we talked through the rhyme and changed the sound e.g. me mand mold muke mof mork.  We are starting to have fun with our own names too!


The octopus sound /o/

Poor Oscar, he was trapped in the box with a grumpy ox and four octopi who kept arguing about being friends.  We settled them all down with some Octanauts on the TV and some orange juice to drink and an orange to eat.  Can you spot some /o/ objects in your home?


Simon Says

Our blue listening rule is “Good Listening is listening to all of the words”.  We always leave this one until last to practise as it can be the least obvious one to do.  You had to listen to the instruction and only follow when Simon told you to.  Listening to the whole sentence was the challenge e.g. put your hands on your head, Simon says.


Number 5

As we settled in from Forest School, we enjoyed playing our numeral game of “numbers numbers all around”.  We chose a number, crept it to our eyes and showed our friends on our hands (clapping).  Once we were all in, we were introduced to our new number – number 5.  We looked and matched numeral 5, fingers 5, red numicon 5 and 5 in a row.

Communication and Language

In every house, on every street, Jess Hitchman

Mrs Allen has been talking about all the rooms in a house and matching to their purpose.  She shared a new song with you about it too.  You have enjoyed building your homes in the quiet area with wooden blocks and creating a floor plan with wooden sticks as part of your story time activity.

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

I’m still standing, Elton John

Always a favourite every year, this disco song had us moving our arms as we ran through the song, sausaged the dough and punched the air with a “yeah yeah yeah”.  Thank you Oscar and thank you Elton – another artist from our country with our flag!

A message for parents – happy half term everyone, we hope you enjoy some family time together.  If in the car out and about, keep encouraging the children to clap/count syllables of new words, hear/say the first sound and see if they can hear any words that “sound the same” in general conversation.  So many of the children are so close to these literacy skills!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

2nd February 2024

Forest School Activity


With our new topic of Special Places, you have enjoyed creating a special school for all of the soft toy animals in Forest School.  Making sure they all had a seat in the classroom and who was going to be the teacher was great to watch.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Row the Boat

Making marks was fun this week as the shaving foam came out of the can.  A little water on the table and a ball of foam in your hand made for some very interesting pattern work as we created vertical lines whilst we rowed our hands forwards and backwards.

Rhyme Time

Incy Wincy Spider

We enjoyed singing this rhyme slow, fast, loud and quiet and have begun to combine two – fast and quiet is the trickiest!  We continued to listen to words in the rhyme that sound the same and this week introduced the “say it silly” card as we changed the initial sound of every word in the rhyme e.g. sincy sincy spider, simbed sup se sater spout.


The goat sound /g/

The box was jam packed full of all sorts this week.  We had fun with the glue as we managed to glue lots of the objects together! Telling fun stories through “things” with the same sound will help us make the links between these objects and ensure we can hear that first sound. Thank you Mrs Gregg and Mrs Grice for keeping some order in the box! 


Where is the Sound?

As our confidence increases term by term through our nursery year, remembering the times to stay quiet becomes more tricky for us.  A game where we have to stay quiet throughout as we try and find the sound (speaker) in the cabin was fun!


Counting games

Saying our number names to ten and beyond is one skill we usually all leave Nursery being able to do.  Saying our number names backwards from ten is a little more challenging.  This week we enjoyed playing numeral games in a circle and with a friend as we took it turns to say the next number in the pattern.

Communication and Language

First Day at Bug School, Sam Lloyd

This week, was have been talking about “Special” places and in particular, the place we meet to play and learn every day – Blackwell First School.  Mrs Allen has been sharing this book about a special bug school and Mrs Mander has been taking you on an afternoon walk to spot special things about our own school – can you remember what we spotted?

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Get Back up Again, Poppy

This week it was Isla’s choice as we pinched, folded and splatted the dough to a fun tune from the film Trolls.  We talked a little about the film and the other characters but sadly no flag – even Mrs Mander couldn’t find a flag for this one!

A message for parents – next week we will be talking about another special place – our home.  Thank you for all your “home” photos.  The children are enjoyed spotting theirs and naming their new next-door neighbour!  There is still space for a few more homes for those that haven’t sent them across yet.   

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

26th January 2024

Forest School Activity

The Big School Birdwatch

Mrs Allen has been enjoying sharing her special bird this week as she has hidden her in forest school.  You have been exploring how to use the binoculars and the bird books to take part in the Big School Birdwatch.  You enjoyed making a bird hide and used lard, raisins and seeds to make a bird feeder.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Wheels on the Bus

We enjoyed revisiting in an old song with new mark making.  You have been creating BIG wheels, wipers and a loud horn on the tables in water and paint.  This was fun without any music on our no technology day as we had to sing the song on repeat and make marks at the same time.

Rhyme Time

Hey Diddle Diddle

We giggled this week as we listened to the sounds that come with this rhyme – a cat, a cow and a dog.  It really sounded like they were in the cabin with us!  For some of us we are beginning to hear the 2 out of 3 words that sound the same – such a tricky skill for so early in the year.


The duck sound /d/

We enjoyed finding out what was in the new sound “star” box this week – something that jumps in the water, a loveable dog off the TV and something with a fierce bite.  We didn’t worry though as we had someone “who helps us” when we hurt ourselves and we managed to get them all settled for the dice in the dish game!


Winter Bingo

In the middle of our coldest season, our bingo game is always a good one to play. We take the time to talk through the pictures on the board and talk about if we have seen them yet. We are all sad to report, we haven’t seen the snowy fire circle or been able to build that snowman….yet!


The Number 4 patterns and shapes

Water in the Cup

We have enjoyed this week creating shapes and patterns with four sticks this week as we waited for all of our friends to settle. We learnt about the special shape with four sides the same length (square) and we even learnt what we call this when we push it over (rhombus).  Four year children know on average 1500 words, who says they can’t be Maths words! We sang along to the water in the cup song too as we explored what full, part-full and empty look like.

Communication and Language

Betty in the Yeti, Ella Burfoot

You have enjoyed matching up the socks and gloves this week on the washing line as part of your story activity.  Betty kept discovering items of clothing in the snow and wondering who they belong to – can you remember who it was in the end?

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Jump, Girl Aloud

We enjoyed balling and bouncing our dough this week to this perfect disco tune chosen by Amelia.  We talked about Girls Aloud and where they come from.  Can you show your grownups, on your hand this weekend, how many girls were singing this song?

A message for parents – thanks to our Eco Council in school, we all enjoyed the no technology day on Thursday alongside the rest of the school.  No lights, no music and no kettle (!).  It was a good talking point as to how much we use electricity and what the world was like in the old days when Mrs Franklin was a little girl!  The children really enjoyed it – we would highly recommend as an activity one day on the weekend.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

19th January 2024

Forest School Activity


We have certainly experienced the Winter weather this week but yet to see any snowflakes so we just made our own.  Mrs Allen has been showing you how to weave them with wool on the weaving boards and Mrs Franklin has been “crafting” them with you with cotton buds.  Fingers crossed the real things arrive soon!

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Just Like This

One messy table is all it takes to make this circle time fun.  You have been marching, zigzagging and creating pizza/pancake shapes on the tables in paint.  Being able to see the shapes your hands can make is always fascinating – wait until we add two different colours to the messy table.

Rhyme Time

Baa Baa Black Sheep

A new year, a new circle time – rhyme time!  We select a nursery rhyme for the week and have fun with it – this week “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.  We sing it loud, quiet, fast, slow.  We have enjoyed listening/naming the sounds of the sheep, a farm gate shutting and somebody knitting.  We then used the “three in a row” picture cards to help us hear which two sound the same.  It is very early days for rhyming but by the summer, we will be experts ready for school.


The mouse sound /m/

Our alliteration work is back as we enjoyed a return to the game – What is in the box?  This week, two familiar faces were hiding in there – Mrs Mander and Mrs Moss.  I can let you know, we were fine though as Mrs Allen had popped a marshmallow in there and we had some milk to drink!  Can you remember what else we found in there?


Hiding under the Blanket

To ensure our listening skills do not leave us, we will keep playing our listening games this term to help us learn to listen.  This week we had to follow all four of the rules as we took it in turns to try and work out which friend was hiding under the blanket.  Always a popular game – you could play at home with your toys this weekend!


Subitising Ladybirds

The Number 4

As we all joined one by one following our VERY cold Forest School, we enjoyed joining in the dice game of ladybirds.  We took it in turns to roll the dice, spot the same pattern and subitised how many ladybirds were on the leaf.  Once we were all settled, we discovered our numicon 4 makes a wonderful piece of bread and we used pegs to create the toppings and the world’s tallest sandwich.  Collecting four pieces of lettuce, cheese and ice-cream (!) from the basket of pegs helped us understand what four is in so many different ways – subitising, counting as we collect, making a four-square pattern.

Communication and Language

The Gruffalo’s Child, Julia Donaldson

A classic winter story!  Mrs Allen has enjoyed playing her Gruffalo matching pairs game as you joined her for your story time in the Quiet Area after lunch.  You enjoyed keeping the Gruffalo toys warm too as you shared and explored the story.  Can you hear which character in the story begins with our sound /m/?

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

When will my life begin, Rapunzel

Evie White – thank you!  A great song and a new flag that we haven’t had before – Germany.  Evie has enjoyed sharing the story of Rapunzel and we have enjoyed making her long hair with the dough and finishing with those floating lanterns (dough balls).

A message for parents – thank you for the front of house photos following the request on the Nursery Newsletter.  The children are enjoying spotting their houses on our display.  Keep them coming in – “we are going on a house hunt” when our Special Places topic begins – I wonder if we will spot some familiar ones?

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

12th January 2024

Forest School Activity

Ice Shapes

Mrs Allen has enjoyed hiding objects in ice this week and you have enjoyed working out how to get them out!  You also enjoyed rubbing chalks together into an ice tray, waiting for them to freeze and then using for mark making around the Forest School.  The change in weather also made Forest School fun as you enjoyed trying to dig the ice sand!

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

We can do anything

A revisited song with a twist.  Now we have our Write Dance songs practised, we move on to dancing them on the tables.  Not with your feet mind, with your hands!  Write Dance is all about making “movement drawings to music”.  The children stand behind a chair, listen to each part of the song and make the matching marks.  We began this week with soap and water on the tables as the children created handprints, vertical lines, horizontal lines and squiggles to match each action in the song.  It does get messy, be prepared!


Battery Toys

The children have loved bringing in their battery toys, explaining how they work and then having time to share with friends.  As we are a non-technology nursery, this is a great way to cover part of our computing curriculum about how toys work.  We talked about the role of the battery, switches/buttons and decided whether the toy moves, lights up or makes a noise! In Lily’s case, all three, every single day!


Snowmen Arrangements and Counting Sounds

This week, we have enjoyed revisiting a game of sorting our snowmen bodies showing different arrangements.  Once we were all settled, we played a game as a whole class and then with our friends by closing our eyes and counting the beads dropping in to the bucket.  We soon discovered it was easier to place the number on our fingers every time we heard it to be more accurate.  Hearing and counting sounds will help us with our syllable clapping.

Communication and Language

The Storm Whale in Winter, Benji Davies

As we move into our Winter topic, Mrs Allen has enjoyed sharing her winter photos of all things cold with you!  You enjoyed making a boat from wooden blocks to match the one in the story and listening and talking about the story of Noi and a storm whale.  Please do have a hunt this weekend in your book selection and bring in any winter stories you have.  Look for signs on the front cover – snow, ice and naked trees!

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Spinning Around, Kylie Minogue

Thank you Jess for choosing a song from an artist from a new country for us to talk about – Australia.  We have enjoyed chatting about Kylie and laughing at the photo of her with a funny hat on.  Can you remember why it is so funny?  We have been spinning the dough in circles and pinching it (mostly to warm up those fingers after an afternoon in the cold)

A message for parents – many thanks for sending the children in this week prepared for our first cold snap this Winter.  The temperature is set to drop even further next week and yes, we do still go out for a “play and explore” twice a day.  Please ensure they are doubled up on layers, warm coats, hats and gloves.  Please please send in with mittens if they cannot put their own gloves on.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

22nd December 2023

Forest School Activity

Stick Rudolph

Combining sticks and string and adding ribbon, eyes and a red nose was very effective as you all had the opportunity to create your very own Rudolph for home.  We are keeping everything crossed that these survive the Christmas boxes in the years to come!

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

I wish it could be Christmas every day, Wizzard

We all enjoyed a Christmas boogie this week, but Mrs Allen more than the rest of us, as we listened to a song from when she was a little girl – “I wish it could be Christmas every day”, Wizzard.  We hope you are all singing this at home.  It is a really infectious Christmas song that everyone needs storing in their memory.

Listening Game

Musical Sitting, Statues and Teams of two

We had to put all our listening skills together this week as we danced to the above song and kept our eye on the sign, action that was shown to you when the music stopped.  The sign for sit, the STOP paddle and Numicon Two changed so many times, it was tricky to keep up.


The net sound /n/

Poor Neave! Trapped in a box with some very sharp objects – nails, needles and knives!  Luckily there was a nurse in there to help her out.  We have six sounds under our belt (s-a-t-p-i-n) and we are hoping we can still remember and say them when we return after the Christmas break.  There are so many more to get through next year alongside learning about rhyming and fine tuning our syllable clapping.



Snowmen arrangements

We were NOT impressed this week as Holly and Jolly, our naughty Nursery elves, kept creating havoc every morning when we came in from Forest School.  They found it funny at the mess they created and even funnier that their hands weren’t able to pick things up.  We did well though as we worked as small teams to tidy up – “teamwork makes the dream work”.  After all this tidying we had an opportunity to show off our Maths learning this term as we fixed our Snowmen by matching different arrangements.

Communication and Language

The Night before Christmas

Lots of talk this week about the night before Christmas and what it is called.  Children have enjoyed sharing what they each do and leave out for Father Christmas and his reindeers.  Thanks to Mrs Allen’s story and our Rudolph show song, we have also learnt some of the names of Rudolph’s “friends”. 


Rudolph Hats

We all enjoyed making our very own Christmas lunch party hats this week.  Choosing Rudolph’s eyes and creating his nose wasn’t quite as fun as drawing around hands for the antlers!  The children all enjoyed wearing these on Wednesday and we hope they have made it home in one piece and the wind didn’t take them away!

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Merry Christmas Everyone, Shakin Stevens

A Mrs Mander choice this week from a singer who she used to adore when she was a little girl – Shakin Stevens.  We had to listen out for “Shakin” telling us the actions with the key words of snow, party, swaying.   Our Christmas dough disco sessions are officially over for another year as we get back on track with our choice of tunes in the new year.  Evie W, Jess and Effy have been waiting a while for their choice and others are still “deciding”.

A message for parents – a huge thankyou to you all for your cards, gifts and Christmas wishes.  It has been a long term but I am sure you would agree that the children have made so much progress since those early September days.  We look forward to more fun planned for 2024 (and the return of some warm weather)!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

15th December 2023


Forest School Activity


Father Christmas and his elves have made an appearance in Forest School this week as you enjoyed making the sleigh with the crates.  The pipes made excellent reigns for the reindeers and the santa hat finished off the look!  Mrs Allen also opened a new resources – the fairy and princess chest.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Merry Xmas Everybody, Slade

A Christmas classic!  We have enjoyed getting into the spirit with this song every morning as we have been creating rainbow arcs high in the air and singing along at the top of our voices.  The most fun was creating one huge oval around the tables as we tried to make it travel as a team in the same direction whilst side-stepping whilst wearing slippers!

Listening Game

Name the “Festive” Sound

Staying Quiet so as to “listen with increased attention to sounds” is one of our nursery targets.  And what a challenge it was as we played our first tuning in to sounds game - “Guess the Christmas Sound”.  Have a go this weekend and see if you can score any higher!  Guess the Christmas Sound Game | 24 Festive Sounds Quiz - YouTube


The iguana sound /i/

We spent a few more days on our /i/ sound as it is always a tricky sound to fill a sound box with and ensure we are saying /i/ instead of /e/.  For those parents keen to support at home, please watch this Little Wandle link which allows you to hear how we make our pure sounds and shows the order we are teaching them in.  For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)


In front, behind

We began by taking it in turns to sit in the middle of the circle and name who was sitting in front of us.  We then used a mirror to see who was sitting behind us.  See if you can find a small mirror this weekend and use around the house to spot and name who/what is behind you!  For a challenge, can you look left and right and say who/what is next to you?  Understanding position through words is a Nursery Maths targets.

Communication and Language


A gentle and simple introduction to the story of Christmas and the events that happen around this special time.  Mrs Allen enjoyed sharing her Christmas story sock puppets with you so you could have a go at role playing the story with your friends.  This story has helped you understand the idea behind the Red class part of the show next week too.

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

We have all enjoyed singing along to the popular Christmas tune whilst balling the dough and taking it “around the world”.  We used our bodies as the globe and our arms to make it travel around us  just like Rudolph does with Father Christmas.

A message for parents – our Early Year show is on Monday morning at 9.30am.  Please send the children in (again) wearing Christmas jumpers or dresses.  If your little one does not usually attend on a Monday and you would like them to be part of the show, please send them in at normal time and they can come with you once the show is over or stay with us until 11.30am or 12.00pm.  Please do let us know over the weekend or at drop off on Monday which time you plan on taking them so we can ensure they have what they need with them.    

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

15th December 2023


Forest School Activity


Father Christmas and his elves have made an appearance in Forest School this week as you enjoyed making the sleigh with the crates.  The pipes made excellent reigns for the reindeers and the santa hat finished off the look!  Mrs Allen also opened a new resources – the fairy and princess chest.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

Merry Xmas Everybody, Slade

A Christmas classic!  We have enjoyed getting into the spirit with this song every morning as we have been creating rainbow arcs high in the air and singing along at the top of our voices.  The most fun was creating one huge oval around the tables as we tried to make it travel as a team in the same direction whilst side-stepping whilst wearing slippers!

Listening Game

Name the “Festive” Sound

Staying Quiet so as to “listen with increased attention to sounds” is one of our nursery targets.  And what a challenge it was as we played our first tuning in to sounds game - “Guess the Christmas Sound”.  Have a go this weekend and see if you can score any higher!  Guess the Christmas Sound Game | 24 Festive Sounds Quiz - YouTube


The iguana sound /i/

We spent a few more days on our /i/ sound as it is always a tricky sound to fill a sound box with and ensure we are saying /i/ instead of /e/.  For those parents keen to support at home, please watch this Little Wandle link which allows you to hear how we make our pure sounds and shows the order we are teaching them in.  For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)


In front, behind

We began by taking it in turns to sit in the middle of the circle and name who was sitting in front of us.  We then used a mirror to see who was sitting behind us.  See if you can find a small mirror this weekend and use around the house to spot and name who/what is behind you!  For a challenge, can you look left and right and say who/what is next to you?  Understanding position through words is a Nursery Maths targets.

Communication and Language


A gentle and simple introduction to the story of Christmas and the events that happen around this special time.  Mrs Allen enjoyed sharing her Christmas story sock puppets with you so you could have a go at role playing the story with your friends.  This story has helped you understand the idea behind the Red class part of the show next week too.

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

We have all enjoyed singing along to the popular Christmas tune whilst balling the dough and taking it “around the world”.  We used our bodies as the globe and our arms to make it travel around us  just like Rudolph does with Father Christmas.

A message for parents – our Early Year show is on Monday morning at 9.30am.  Please send the children in (again) wearing Christmas jumpers or dresses.  If your little one does not usually attend on a Monday and you would like them to be part of the show, please send them in at normal time and they can come with you once the show is over or stay with us until 11.30am or 12.00pm.  Please do let us know over the weekend or at drop off on Monday which time you plan on taking them so we can ensure they have what they need with them.    

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X