Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Nursery News 02.12.22


Hello Nursery Families,

It’s been another busy week in the Nursery with lots of singing, storytelling and play in the great outdoors! The children have been working hard on their Christmas show with lots of trips to the school hall to sing and dance on the stage. We class ‘bobbing up and down’ as dancing in Nursery and we do it well!

Mrs Allen shared the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ using her story spoons and we listened to a retell of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ by Red Class. The Nursery children copied the story actions beautifully and joined in with the repeated parts of the story.

‘Boogie Hedgehog’ was our Dough Disco tune. Thank you, James, for choosing our song. Every press, pat and pull of the dough will help to strengthen our little fingers ready for mark making.

Thank you to our Nursery families for supporting Story Night. Under the twinkle of Mrs Allen’s fairy lights, we listened to stories, enjoyed some tasty treats and met some very special Christmas visitors! There were lots of happy faces.

On Monday, we’re filming, ‘The Nativity’. Please pop a plain top under your Christmas jumper (it’s Christmas Jumper Day on Monday too). We have all the costumes in school for our performance, but a plain top will keep us nice and warm in the hall.

Well done, Nursery!

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Nursery xxx

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