19th May 2023
Finally, the weather is warming up. You may have noticed by their clothes as we have been able to go without the waterproofs in the afternoons! Please ensure you send them in clothes you are happy for them to get a little dirty. On the sunny days, pop a sunhat on their head (they will place them by their shoes) and sun cream on their body. If they are with us all day, we will need a named bottle in their bag for them to apply in the afternoon after Quiet time.
A message for parents – Sports Day (weather dependent) takes place next Friday. Ours will be taking part on the track only so meet us on the field at 2pm where you will find a marked out circle in which to stand. If your little one does not attend on a Friday and you would like them to take part, we will see you on the field at 2pm and they can come and join us on the other side of the track. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend all! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X
12th May 2023
We hope you enjoyed the last long weekend as much as we did. These weeks are flying by as we now only have two weeks left until we are in our final term!
A message for parents – as we approach our final push to get the children school ready, please do not feel that the children should be writing their own name - quite the opposite in fact. Our nursery “endpoint” for the children is for them to write their initial (capital) sound and be getting enjoyment out of making marks as they begin to look like something (all with a tripod grip of course)! Their next (Reception) teacher will be teaching them how to accurately form the letters for the name dependant on which school they are heading to. Have a lovely weekend all! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
5th May 2023
Thank you for coming along to see the children “Celebrate” in the best way we know how, through a dough disco. So many faces, so many unknown faces and their first whole school sing as well - we were so proud of them. I bet you were too.
A message for parents – we move into our new Happy and Healthy topic next week where we will be talking about how we do it. Save the Date – Friday 26th May 2pm – Nursery Sporting event (weather permitting) Have another lovely long weekend all! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X
28th April 2023
The Nursery Newsletter last week will have shared with you important information about the upcoming half term. These blogs will give you a taster of our week-to-week learning so you have a way in for things to talk about. Two weeks have flown by since our return from the Easter break and we have packed so much in already
A message for parents – we look forward to seeing you at the Coronation cabin show next Friday at the times shown on the Newsletter. Have a lovely long weekend all! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
Nursery News
31st March 2023
What a busy week from singing on the steps, to our Easter story night. The children have taken it all in their stride and have kept the smiles on their faces throughout. Our final fun-packed week:
A message for parents – for those off to school in September, good luck with your school placements over the Easter break. We hope you get your school of choice. Have a lovely Easter break everyone! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X
24th March 2023
It was lovely to chat to you all face-to-face on Tuesday and Wednesday – thank you all for coming along and we hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s learning journeys. In the summer term, we will begin to allow the children to access these (with clean hands!!) and they will come home with them for you to keep in July.
A message for parents – we will be having another “battery” toy week next week! We are exploring how batteries make them move, light up and make sound and we are expecting a visit from our school Computing lead Miss Davis. Get hunting this week and pack them ready. Have a lovely weekend everyone! One more week to go! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
17th March 2023
Another week has flown by and we can finally feel a change in the air as it is warming up. We have quite a collection of gloves so if you are missing any, please pop down to the cabin balcony and take a look! Once the Spring really kicks in, these will disappear for another year.
A message for parents – parent consultation times will have come home this week in the children’s bags. Please allow time either before or after your slot to look through their Learning Journeys. These will be on the main table by the office. Have a lovely weekend everyone – especially to our mums! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |
10th March 2023
Two weeks of learning to share with you since the last update – hopefully this helps to make sense of the things they are talking about…..
A message for parents – thank you for returning you parent consultation slips. Times will be coming home today in backpacks so check all pockets! Have a lovely weekend everyone – let’s hope the snow is here for a little while! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |