Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622


31st March 2023

What a busy week from singing on the steps, to our Easter story night.  The children have taken it all in their stride and have kept the smiles on their faces throughout.  Our final fun-packed week:

Forest School

Easter Egg Hunt

To link to our story of the week, you enjoyed going on your own Easter Egg hunt in the Forest School in the rain!!!  Hiding and finding and collecting on a soggy ten frame was fun.


Easter songs

We hope you all enjoyed the “sing-song” on the steps on Tuesday morning.  I am sure you would agree how they did a wonderful job – all those faces watching and they still sang and joined in confidently. 

Write Dance

Baby Shark Easter

Another themed dance this week as we have been revisiting a favourite song with an Easter twist.  See if they can remember every action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ODaID0n3Jo


Battery Toys

A final week of term must be a reason for a toy week! Thank you for bringing in and sharing all your battery toys.  Being able to “explore how thing work” is always fun through toys.


Subitise to 3

Fingers numbers to 5

We warmed up with an Easter egg game of throwing eggs into cups and subitising how many you could see.  Saying and seeing numbers (not counting) is a key early years skill.  Matching a numeral to finger numbers was fun with a friend.  Having some “thinking” time before “showing” time helped you work out which fingers you were going to show too!

Communication and Language

We’re Going on an Easter Egg Hunt, Martha Mumford

A gorgeous story with lots of flaps to lift – always fun, whatever age you are!  You enjoyed spotting and counting the eggs throughout the story with the bunny.


Easter cards

The Spring Chicken Easter cards will have now come to you (in a brown envelope) – a card that will be a reminder of a song that sticks in a loop in your head. 

Dough Disco

Jungle Boogie. Kool and the Gang

Thank you Freya – what a song and chosen by a group that we have had before!  We have been “getting down” with the dough and discoing our arms too. 

A message for parents – for those off to school in September, good luck with your school placements over the Easter break.  We hope you get your school of choice. 

Have a lovely Easter break everyone! 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X


24th March 2023

It was lovely to chat to you all face-to-face on Tuesday and Wednesday – thank you all for coming along and we hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s learning journeys.  In the summer term, we will begin to allow the children to access these (with clean hands!!) and they will come home with them for you to keep in July.

Forest School

Bunnies and Weaving

Hopping bunnies was hilarious to watch – I have never seen bunnies in wellies!  Most definitely not the easiest thing to bounce in.  Mrs Allen has been showing you how to weave with sticks to teach you how to create nests.


Easter songs

We have been joining Red class for a daily “sing-song” as we have practised some fun Spring songs.  We look forward to sharing with you next Tuesday on the steps at 8.45am.  Tea and Toast will be open!

Write Dance

We’re going on an Easter Egg Hunt

A themed dance this week as we have been retelling a familiar story with a twist.  Pushing our way through the long grass and stomping through the river was fun!

Listening Game


You enjoyed going on a cabin egg hunt and collecting them for the Mother Hen who sat on them as they all hatched.  A song through role-play is always a good way to understand and remember words!


The goat sound, g

That gruffalo squashed everything in the /g/ box this week! The highlight had to be a visit from some real life /g/ animals when Miss Kuriger brought over Gordon and Fluff for a cuddle


Doubles to 5

To make our learning stick, we have used a doubles song.  I would highly recommend you take the time this weekend to share with the children – it is a good one that they (and me) love! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CX-jFsVtR4

Communication and Language

The Odd Egg, Emily Gravett

A beautiful story about a cracking egg.  You enjoyed decorating your own egg and matching with a friend. Always fun to have a pre story game!


Easter cards

We have been “crafting” our very own Spring chickens for our Easter cards.  The children have become quite attached to them as they look adorable! 

Dough Disco

We will rock you, Queen

Thank you Mia – great choice!  We have enjoyed following the rhythm pattern by slapping that dough flat but mostly enjoyed singing into the microphone! 

A message for parents – we will be having another “battery” toy week next week!  We are exploring how batteries make them move, light up and make sound and we are expecting a visit from our school Computing lead Miss Davis.  Get hunting this week and pack them ready.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  One more week to go!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

17th March 2023

Another week has flown by and we can finally feel a change in the air as it is warming up.  We have quite a collection of gloves so if you are missing any, please pop down to the cabin balcony and take a look!  Once the Spring really kicks in, these will disappear for another year.

Forest School


A week of learning those building skills with Mrs Allen - hammers and screwdrivers and how to use them safely has been fun in the Forest this week!


Beat and Rhythm

Mr Beat and Mr Rhythm are our sock puppets that help us feel the difference between these two skills.  Mr Beat is always working hard as he stays the same through all the songs.  Mr Rhythm on the other hand a little lazier as he only moves when we sing the words.

Write Dance

Horsey Horsey

A revisited song with the mark-making element – we have been bending and straightening our arms to create vertical chalk marks on the board.  We added onto this the circle marks for the cartwheels and for a challenge, found a new horse to ride every time the song played.

Listening Game

Listening to the Words

We continued our game of Simon Says with a bit of a change to help you play.  You had to “listen to the words” of Simon Squirrel and not “listen to the words” of Mrs Mander - tricky!


The duck sound, d

Some very worrying /d/ animals joined us in nursery this week but we were glad they were only toy ones! I am not sure dinosaurs and dragons should be anywhere near our cabin!


Matching flag patterns

Doubles to 5

We continued matching our flags on arrival from Forest School with a game of matching pairs.  Once all joined us, we explored what happens when we put two numbers the same together – we call this a “double”.  A fun transition song to follow next week to make that learning stick!

Communication and Language

My Mum, Anthony Browne

With a special day coming on Sunday, Mrs Allen has been sharing a book all about the jobs Mums do on a daily basis.  You have enjoyed sharing your Mum photos with each other too and talking lots about them.


Special cards

We have enjoyed printing Spring flowers with our paint tools to create a special card for some special people.  Keep them safe and hidden until Sunday!

Dough Disco

Happy, Pharrell Williams

Thank you Lucas – what a song!  Always one to finish our day on a happy note as we have sausaged, clapped and poked the dough to the beat.

A message for parents – parent consultation times will have come home this week in the children’s bags.  Please allow time either before or after your slot to look through their Learning Journeys.  These will be on the main table by the office.

Have a lovely weekend everyone – especially to our mums!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

10th March 2023

Two weeks of learning to share with you since the last update – hopefully this helps to make sense of the things they are talking about…..

Forest School


A Spring walk looking for signs of Spring is always a good start to our new topic.  Mrs Allen has then been showing us how to create spring flowers with chalks, with paint and a fork and with wool on a peg frame.  Planting seeds in the troughs was also fun!


Tappers and Shakers

As we move into exploring sounds our instruments can make, we enjoyed sorting them into ones that we can shake and tap so we can match with body actions.

Write Dance

Round the Mountain

Up into the Sky

We have been creating rainbow shapes in soap and the cross shape (from our flags) with paintbrushes dipped in different coloured paint.

Listening Game

Sitting still

Listening to the Words

Being able to position your body so you are showing good sitting and are able to look at the person talking was fun with our blindfold game.  We then had fun playing Simon Says where we had to listen to all of Simon Squirrel’s words and none of Mrs Mander’s!


Name labels

The mouse sound, m

As part of our morning routine, we played a game of reading our name to our sound picture.  This week we have been shaking the objects in the m box and giving them migraines – oops!  Can you remember who was complaining about their head? 



Tally to 5

Spotting pattern

Singing a song about a cup being empty, part full or full to the top has been on repeat in all of our heads but an excellent way to introduce capacity.  Making tally marks to 5 was tricky when we had to remember to shut that gate.  Matching flags by patterns was fun as you were able to name the pattern, the colours and for some, the country!

Communication and Language

One Springy Day

Don’t wake the Bear Hare

You have enjoyed sharing with Mrs Allen a beautiful Nick Butterworth story about Spring and a Spring story about animals wanting a Spring party but without the bear.  Making your own picnic was the most popular activity pre story as we now see this a lot during our Indoor play.

Playground Game


Being able to throw and catch a ball is tricky!  Being able to throw and catch a scarf isn’t!  We had fun playing the game with ourselves (especially on the windy day) and then with a friend. 

Dough Disco

Gummy Bear


Thank you Elsie for the first choice – we did enjoy being bears moving our dough but we were happy to say goodbye to this song and hello to Mrs Franklin’s Cool and the Gang choice.  We now have our very own disco routine with the spin, punch and wave.  Share it this weekend!

A message for parents – thank you for returning you parent consultation slips.  Times will be coming home today in backpacks so check all pockets!

Have a lovely weekend everyone – let’s hope the snow is here for a little while!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

16th February 2023

Happy half term everyone!  We have finished on another week packed with learning – it is hard work being 3 and 4!

Forest School

Lifecycles - Human

Mirrors in the outdoors is always fun.  You have enjoyed looking at your own faces now compared to when you were a baby and drawing them up on the balcony in charcoal.  Helping Mrs Allen to make salt dough to create a 3D face was fun too!


High and Low

Using the chime bars, we had fun talking to each other in a high and low note.  Taking our voices for a walk is always fun and we look forward to the instrument topic next half term when we will all get a chance to make high and low sounds on our own chime bars!

Write Dance

Get Ready Get Set Go

A new interactive song where we have been marching, galloping, tiptoeing and skipping around the cabin.  We had fun making marks to these actions using paintbrushes/paint.

Listening Game

Staying Quiet

A twist on a fun game of “Who is hiding under the blanket?” as you had to listen to the voice of the person hiding and name them – even Mrs Allen found it tricky!


The net sound, n

A box full of nnnnnnnn – necklace, nail (ouch!) and knickers!  Taking it in turn to blend the sounds is beginning to work as we can hear the words we are making e.g. n-o-t repeated will make the word knot to match our object. 


The Number 5

As we move into Maths from morning Forest School we always play a game whilst we wait for all to join – this week Maths bingo to consolidate that numeral learning.  We then learnt about number five and how it can look so different – numicon, in a row, on fingers.  Using a ten frame (egg box) to show five was fun as we turned them into boats and sailed with Rod.

Communication and Language

When I grow up, Lennie Goodings/Jenny Jones

A story about a bear called Zachary who talks to his mummy about what he wants to be when he grows up.  Some lovely language from you all about what you want to be….

Playground Game

Collecting Balls

A fun start to the skill of throwing balls as Mrs Mander released the balls and you had to collect 1 or 2 and choose a crate to throw in to.  Comparing which had more with just our eyes linked our Maths learning from last week in beautifully. 

Non-Dough Disco

I see love, Joe Jonas

A fun song perfectly timed for Valentine’s Day chosen by George.  We enjoyed drumming, signing (I see love) and creating waves with our hands for the river.  Another American singer with hair of blue (cheveux bleus for our French friends).

A message for parents – after half term we move onto our Spring topic that has a special day in the middle.  Please could you send photos of just Mummy’s to the nursery@ email address for our new display?  We always love to see some happy mouths (bouche) in our cabin.

Have a half term everyone – much needed and well deserved! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

10th February 2023

The children have really enjoyed looking at their own and each other’s baby pictures, thank you for sending them.  We will be talking about this lifecycle next week and these resources really help them to gain an understanding of how much they have changed.

Forest School

Lifecycles - Butterfly

Talking about, sharing photos, books and creating a butterly den where they can grow has helped us to understand about our new lifecycle.  Nothing is as good as the real thing though so we all look forward to watching it happen in real life a little later in the year.


High and Low

A call and respond song of “Hello Nursery” has combined our high and low learning and finished off our Music topic of pitch.  As with all our learning, we will revisit weekly.

Write Dance

Wheels on the Bus

An old song with the mark-making element added.  We warmed up our arms, shoulders and hands in preparation to draw circles, lines and spot marks on paper with our chunky crayons.

Listening Game

Staying Quiet

It was time for Mrs Mander to take a snooze as you worked hard at keeping not only your voices off, but bodies quiet too.


The iguana sound, i

The box was full with lots of pictures of i – igloo, Incredibles, indigo but they were tricky to find with all those insects crawling around inside. Arrrggghhh! 


More than

As our Maths warm up, we matched up our new number shape pieces to the numerals 1-5, another “school ready” skill ticked off!  We then had fun, selecting one, comparing with a friend and saying who has more.  Definitely a skill to revisit and consolidate in the every day.  Seeing where there are more (and NOT counting) is an excellent skill to build on.

Communication and Language

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle

There isn’t any other book that teaches the butterfly lifecycle quite like this one and so an obvious one for Mrs Allen to share with you.  Her story spoons were a big hit too!

Dough Disco

I like to move it move it, Reel to Reel

A popular choice for all but chosen by Benji.  We have been punching our arms forwards and up to the music and changing the shape of the dough for other parts of the song.  We talked about Reel to Reel and the BIG country they come from, America.  Can you remember the pattern and colours on their flag?

A message for parents – counting forwards to ten and beyond accurately is a key nursery skill.  Have you ever tried asking them to count backwards? Knowing the pattern of numbers backwards is equally as important and one that gets forgotten.  Could you get into the habit of every time you count to any number, stop there and reverse it?  E.g. we count days of the week 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 pause 7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  Bring on that glorious sunshine!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

3rd February 2023

The children have done so well on arrival finding “their sound” picture card – these are going to help them with name recognition after half term when we move onto placing the picture next to their name. Being able to recognise their name will be another “school-ready” skill we can tick off!

Forest School


Making a “patio pond” was a popular choice this week.  Collecting rocks, water and leaves for the tadpoles to eat was relentless.  We have enjoyed talking about how the lifecycle changes from frogspawn-tadpole-froglet-frog through play and non-fiction stories.


High and Low

Showing high and low with our hands and then bodies whilst listening to this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9yp99xGP6s was a lot of fun, especially the cackle!

Write Dance


A Maths song this week - we have been a range of beans – jumping, baked and runner.  We took our dancing to the table and all had the chance on the messy table where you were moving your hands in red and yellow paint – can you remember the colour you made?

Listening Game


Hiding a friend under the blanket and seeing if you could remember and name who was “Hiding under the Blanket” was tricky for some.  We had clues to help you out!


The penguin sound, p

Our fourth sound this week and the box was jam-packed with some very important visitors – Prince, Princess and Police Officer.  Flipping pancakes on the mini pan made us giggle. 


Same, Not the Same

We enjoyed our two-player game this week of rock-paper-scissors-shoot.  We sat opposite a friend and “shot” fingers numbers at one another.  Now that we can spot same-not the same, we are ready for the next skill – “greater than/more”

Communication and Language

Hungry Harry,

Joanne Partis

A fun story about a frog called Harry whose mum thinks it is time for him to catch his own dinner.  It turns out not that easy doing it on your own.  Thank you Mrs Allen for sharing!

Playground Game


We visited another part of the playground this week – the basketball hoop area.  As we aren’t ready for shooting some baskets yet, we played a fun hoop game where we ran and listened for the whistle and placed one foot in.  Finding group sizes the same linked well to our Maths.

Dough Disco

Daddy Cool, Boney M

Thank you Eric for this classic disco tune.  We have had fun this week poking, passing and spinning the dough.  We talked about Boney M and the country they came from – Germany.

A message for parents – some children are still bringing toys in from home following our technology week on “battery toys”.  This was a popular week and so we will be repeating but for now can only soft, cuddly toys that fit in bags be brought in.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

27th January 2023

Our Little Wandle phonics is in full swing and if the children come home talking about “their sound” this is the picture card that matches their initial sound e.g. Lucy is the lollipop, Jagraj is the jellyfish.  Next week, they will be recognising daily as part of our self-registration.

Forest School


With it being Big Garden Birdwatch, Mrs Allen has taught you how to use the binoculars to spot them.  She helped you set up a quiet space with the netting and crates and you had the chance to make a bird feeder up on the balcony. Fingers crossed the birds visit this weekend!


High and Low

Hedgehog has been teaching us how to sing familiar rhymes in a high voice and Badger, in a low voice.  We have begun to show high and low with our hands – you will need this next week for our listening game!

Write Dance

We can do anything

A revisit of an old song with the mark-making element added.  We have been two-handed marking on the chalkboards with squiggles and lines. Jumping chalks was the highlight.

Listening Game


Staying Quiet

Combining two listening skills to make the game work was the challenge this week.  We split into teams and had a first attempt at sorting our s and a objects into two groups.


The tiger sound, t

The box was full this week with the tomato, the tambourine and tights.  We are getting into the swing of blending sounds as well e.g. t-e-n makes the number 10. Can you make your own t collection at home this weekend? 


The Same

With lots of able to read numbers 1-4, we have begun the matching journey.  Reading the number and matching to a familiar pattern e.g. numicon, dice is a key skill for early maths.

Communication and Language

Beti and the Yeti,

Ella Burfoot

A lovely Winter story about a little girl called Betty who makes friends with scary but shy yeti.  Finding his clothes in Forest School as your pre-story game was fun! 

Playground Game


Our favourite time of the day as we get to run in the big playground.  Travelling around obstacles (crates) and moving obstacles (our friends) was a challenge when we had to listen as well for the whistle to find a seat.

Non Dough Disco

Ghostbusters, Ray Parker Jr

Thank you Henry!  We didn’t need the dough this week as the song itself made us move our arms and shoulders as we ran for and zapped those ghosts!

A message for parents – please see Mrs Moss’ parentapp with regards hand cream in all classes. Alongside our new blue moisturising hand wash, we will now have our own hand cream for the children to use with every toilet visit!  Please remember to send gloves in with the children every day too!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X


20th January 2023

Thank you for sending the children in all wrapped up and ready for the cold temperatures.  Please can you ensure that, if they come with own gloves, they are able to do it themselves - sometimes mittens are just the quickest option throughout this cold season.

Forest School


This week you have enjoyed collecting firewood and storing in a dry place ready for our fire on Wednesday.  It was a welcome bit of warmth to sit by (with some warm milk in hands).


High and Low

Hedgehog and Badger have been teaching us all about high and low sounds.  We enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Harriet high and low on Tuesday.

Write Dance

Just Like This

Making marks on the table in shaving foam was definitely a highlight as we moved our arms up and down for marching and crossed over for the zigzags.  Sorry for the messy sleeves!

Listening Game

Sitting still

Sitting with bottoms on the chair, two feet on the floor and arms in front of us was fun this week as we played a game of Musical chairs.  Keep practising at home!


The astronaut sound, a

We enjoyed naming some interesting things in our box this week – asparagus, avocado and antelope.  Mrs Allen and Andy’s face made an appearance too.  We also blended our sounds together to make axe, arrow and ant. 


The Number 4

Learning about the pattern of four in a row and in a square was just the start of this week.  We enjoyed learning the song “Four”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFqZh8TS6hY  and proving that “2 plus 2” makes four with our friends.  Can you show this at home?

Communication and Language

Gruffalos Child,

Julia Donaldson

Mrs Allen enjoyed sharing another Winter story with you.  She brought along the characters and some fun activity cards to play before the story too.  So much more than just storytime!

Playground Game

Stuck in the Mud

This is our opportunity to run!  We “walk” out a safe square space and this week, enjoyed jogging around safely whilst Mrs Mander tried to stick you in the mud!

Dough Disco

What does the fox say?  Ylvis

Thank you Effy for this song!  Every year we enjoy singing along to the sounds a fox may make.  Foxy fingers were a challenge but so good to work those hands.  We talked about Ylvis and the country they come from – can you remember who else was born in Norway?

A message for parents – with our Early Years French club in full swing with Mrs Wilson on a Tuesday after school, our French nursery friends (and Mrs Mander) are learning so many new words and phrases through songs and dance and are practising in nursery every day.  Having an appreciation of other languages at such an early age is so important.  I hope they are teaching you all some everyday words for hat, coat, gloves, boots.  There are spaces available for anyone who would like to book in and come along 3.15-4.00!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X