Yellow Class
Yellow Class homework
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Yellow Class homework
Yellow Class news
Yellow Class homework
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Yellow Class homework
Click here for the latest homework.
Special Places Topic
This week we have started our new topic of Special Places, with a focus on art and RE. Specifically, these subjects will help us to explore collage and Sikhism.
If you would like to do any homework over the remaining weeks then here are some ideas to help your learning:
- Reading every night for at least 10 minutes to help develop confidence and fluency.
- Times table facts for 3s, 4s, 8s and 11s (In school, we are focussing on our 8s at the moment, particularly 8 x 6, 8 x 7 and 8 x 8).
- Add and subtract 9, 19 and 29 to numbers close to boundaries. For example, 504 – 19 (- 20, + 1) or 397 + 9 (+ 10, - 1).
- Research Sikhism by picking a book at the library to get a head start on our RE learning.
Miss Phipps x
Yellow newsletter
Click here for the January newsletter.