Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

10th March 2023

Two weeks of learning to share with you since the last update – hopefully this helps to make sense of the things they are talking about…..

Forest School


A Spring walk looking for signs of Spring is always a good start to our new topic.  Mrs Allen has then been showing us how to create spring flowers with chalks, with paint and a fork and with wool on a peg frame.  Planting seeds in the troughs was also fun!


Tappers and Shakers

As we move into exploring sounds our instruments can make, we enjoyed sorting them into ones that we can shake and tap so we can match with body actions.

Write Dance

Round the Mountain

Up into the Sky

We have been creating rainbow shapes in soap and the cross shape (from our flags) with paintbrushes dipped in different coloured paint.

Listening Game

Sitting still

Listening to the Words

Being able to position your body so you are showing good sitting and are able to look at the person talking was fun with our blindfold game.  We then had fun playing Simon Says where we had to listen to all of Simon Squirrel’s words and none of Mrs Mander’s!


Name labels

The mouse sound, m

As part of our morning routine, we played a game of reading our name to our sound picture.  This week we have been shaking the objects in the m box and giving them migraines – oops!  Can you remember who was complaining about their head? 



Tally to 5

Spotting pattern

Singing a song about a cup being empty, part full or full to the top has been on repeat in all of our heads but an excellent way to introduce capacity.  Making tally marks to 5 was tricky when we had to remember to shut that gate.  Matching flags by patterns was fun as you were able to name the pattern, the colours and for some, the country!

Communication and Language

One Springy Day

Don’t wake the Bear Hare

You have enjoyed sharing with Mrs Allen a beautiful Nick Butterworth story about Spring and a Spring story about animals wanting a Spring party but without the bear.  Making your own picnic was the most popular activity pre story as we now see this a lot during our Indoor play.

Playground Game


Being able to throw and catch a ball is tricky!  Being able to throw and catch a scarf isn’t!  We had fun playing the game with ourselves (especially on the windy day) and then with a friend. 

Dough Disco

Gummy Bear


Thank you Elsie for the first choice – we did enjoy being bears moving our dough but we were happy to say goodbye to this song and hello to Mrs Franklin’s Cool and the Gang choice.  We now have our very own disco routine with the spin, punch and wave.  Share it this weekend!

A message for parents – thank you for returning you parent consultation slips.  Times will be coming home today in backpacks so check all pockets!

Have a lovely weekend everyone – let’s hope the snow is here for a little while!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X

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