Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

School News

DfE information on PSHE changes

Click here to read this information leaflet.

Blackwell Bake Off

Click here for the latest PFTA opportunity to test your baking skills.

Happy Christmas!

Dear Families,

Thank you to you all on behalf of myself and the staff for your support and kind messages and gifts this Christmas. It was lovely to see so many of you at performances at school and St Catherine's this week. The children were marvellous in their performances and thoroughly enjoyed their last day at school today with the pantomime and a party.  We hope that you have a good Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing the children on January 7th for the start of the Spring term.

Best wishes,

Mrs Moss

Letter from Chair of Governors

Click here for the latest letter from Dr H Evans, Chair of Governors.

Baby Yoga

Click here for details of our 'Baby Yoga' group starting in January 2020.

Forest Friends group

Click here for information about our new Forest Friends group.

Guidance from Public Health England

Re: National outbreak in diarrhoea and vomiting- November 2019 Public Health England (PHE) have advised us that in the last few weeks there has been an increase in outbreaks of diarrhoea and vomiting in the community in general. Viral outbreaks of diarrhoea commonly referred to as norovirus is a common virus in the winter months which causes vomiting and diarrhoea. It spreads more easily in closed or semi-closed environments which mean that those attending schools are highly susceptible to the virus. Good hygiene and infection control measures as detailed below can limit the transmission of viral infections. The following guidance has been issued to us and the instructions can be supported by families:

1.Parents/carers of children that are ill whilst at school should be contacted and requested that they come to collect their child from school

2.Affected children should be isolated, if possible from their class mates until collected by their parents/carer.

3.Symptomatic staff and pupils should not return to school until they have been free of symptoms for 48 hours. A 48 hour exclusion period is advised in current clinical guidance; however, preference may be to practice a 72 hour exclusion period.

4.Staff movements between classrooms and joint class activities in school, e.g. assembly should be restricted.

5.Good hand hygiene should be enforced for all pupils and staff. A hand-washing programme should be put into place that encourages children to wash their hands at the start of the school day, after using the toilet, after play, before and after eating, and encouraging parents to let their children wash their hands at the end of the school day.

6.Liquid soap via a soap dispenser should be made available and there should be a plentiful supply of paper towels.

7.Disposable aprons and gloves should be worn when cleaning touch points, cleaning and disinfecting toileting a child or cleaning up vomit or diarrhoea. Staff should wash their hands after the removal of gloves or aprons.

8.Soiled children’s clothing should be sealed in a plastic bag to go home. It should not be washed on site.

9.The frequency of toilet cleaning should be increased, e.g. clean after each break time and after a child has been sick or had diarrhoea. It is recommended that regular checks are carried out on the cleanliness of the toilets. The use of a hypochlorite based solution should be used. Schools are advised to follow the HSE guidance on risk assessments around use of bleach products.

10.Touch points, e.g. taps, toilet flush handles, door handles, should be cleaned regularly with a hypochlorite (bleach based) solution 1,000 parts per million. Read manufacturer’s instructions and do not use on fabrics and carpets.

11.Toys used by the children should be washed and if possible disinfected. Soft toys should be machine washable; hard surface toys are more easily washed and disinfected.

12.Stop sand and water play, use of play dough etc. and communal sharing of food in cookery lessons.

13.Group visits in and out of school should be stopped until 48 hours after the last person has stopped having symptoms.

14.Visitors to the school should be postponed or if their visit is necessary then they should be informed of the outbreak and any control measures in place.

15.Food should be either prepared by canteen staff or brought in by a child and consumed by that child only, i.e. no sharing of food.

16.If your school experiences a larger than expected absenteeism rate usually greater than 10% you can contact Public Health England PHE for more information. We hope that by carrying out the above advice together, we will prevent further cases. Thank you.