Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Red Class

Friday Fanfare 14.10.22


Hello Red Class Families,

Thank you for attending parent consultations. It was lovely to talk about the children’s progress and to share their learning journey with you. After half term, you will receive a report detailing some of the points discussed including targets. If we met via Zoom, you should find a mental maths progression sheet in your child’s book bag. This is a long half term and the children have worked incredibly hard. Not long to go now before we can all enjoy a good rest.

In Phonics, we looked at ‘h’, ‘b’, ‘f’ and ‘l’ and the keyword ‘the’. Remember to open your mouth a little, put your teeth on your bottom lip and push the air out to make ‘f’. When saying ‘l’, pop your tongue to the top of your mouth behind your teeth and press saying ‘l’. Try to find objects beginning with ‘h’, ‘b’, ‘f’ and ‘l’. Practise oral blending by listening to letter sounds e.g. l-e-g or h-i-p and touch the correct body part.

In Maths, we explored 2D shapes (rectangle, square, circle and triangle). We used elastic bands on pegboards and paper straws and string on the floor to create shapes. During our practical activities, we started to describe the shapes and identified whether they had straight or curved sides. We also found a semi-circle and discovered it had both straight and curved sides. See if you can find some 2D shapes at home. Can you find and count the sides of the shapes?

During Communication and Language lessons, we looked at two nests and asked and answered questions about them. We also sequenced the events of ‘Owl Babies’ and ordered a phrase as a whole class to match a photograph of an owl. Next week, we’ll be finding out interesting facts about owls!

In Write Dance, we created circles and eights with our hands, arms and feet. We then traced circles in shaving foam and created owl eyes by crossing the midline of the body and drawing lazy eights (eights on their side). You can find a link to support learning at home here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFEZzcJRtVQ

Finally, it was another busy session at Forest School. Two children found dinosaur bones (interesting pieces of bark), while other children made leaf mobiles to hang in the forest or created potions. We played a new game where the children return to camp without Mrs Lewis spotting them. I love to see their tactics when they play this game. Thank you, Mrs Lewis, for volunteering every week to help us to play and learn in the forest. 

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. If you’re visiting the scarecrow trail, look out for our school cook scarecrow. We think the staff of The Blackwell Kitchen are superheroes. They make over 750 meals a week and help the children to be healthy, happy and ready to learn. Not all superheroes wear capes.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx

Friday Fanfare 07.10.22


Hello Red Class Families,

This week, we started our new topic, ‘Seasons’. On Monday, we joined our Green Class friends and walked through the village to spot seasonal changes. We collected natural objects for our nature table in the classroom. In Science, we discovered that scientists use their senses to find out about the world. We looked carefully at leaves by making rubbings. At Forest School, each animal group looked closely at one tree in the forest. The children discovered the special features of their tree, from the shape of the leaves to the smell of the bark!

In Phonics, we concentrated on ‘ck’, ‘e’, ‘u’ and ‘r’. Our tricky words were ‘is’ and ‘I’. The children’s confidence to read CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant words e.g. sun) is growing every day and several children wanted to tell me they were able to read their special school book at home. Well done, Team Red!

On Tuesday, we received a parcel from Mrs Moss. It was a special book for our topic, ‘Owl Babies’. We shared the book together, role played events and talked about key vocabulary in the story. We’re now making plans for how to look after the owlet (teddy) Mrs Webb discovered in the forest. One child said we could make a map to help the owlet to find its way home and another said we could make a nest.

Maths lessons focused on subtraction, this week, from finding 1 less to creating simple number stories by removing objects from a group. Each week, I see the children’s confidence blossoming as they use concrete apparatus (ten frames, counters etc.) to support their learning. We also played a new mental maths game involving tennis. We counted from 0-10 by taking turns. Try this at home. Use your hand like a tennis racket and pretend to hit the ball as you say the number. If you say ‘0’, your partner should say 1. Carry on until you reach 10. If you want a challenge, try counting back!

In PE, we created shapes included tucked and stretched shapes and then travelled along bean bangs and skipping ropes to improve balance skills. The children were very good at the traffic light ‘stop and go’ game during the warm up. Next week, it’s time to change into our full PE kit!

In PSHE, we talked about people who help us and how they are kind. We talked about the meaning of ‘kindness’ and how a simple smile is a little act of kindness. The children were able to talk about kind events at school, such as picking up litter at Forest School.

This afternoon, the children checked their ‘All About Me’ boxes to make sure all their special items were packed ready for home. You should find one new addition in their box. The children have each made a mini me puppet using a simple sliding mechanism in DT. I still have a photograph or drawing from the children’s boxes on the class display. As soon as we change the display, I will send these home.

Next week, we have two parent meetings (Wednesday and Thursday). If you’re visiting school, Red Class meetings will be based in Red Class. Appointment slips were popped into the book bags this afternoon. Please call the office if you need to change your time or day. If we’re meeting via Zoom, the details for the meeting can be found on the appointment slip (these details are on all slips whether we’re meeting face to face or via Zoom).

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class x

Friday Fanfare 30.09.22


Hello Red Class Families,

Today, we visited Forest School. Luckily, it was during the morning before the wind and rain! We spent time learning Forest School rules and playing games to remember them. The children enjoyed hide and seek (1,2,3 Where are you?) to learn about the forest boundary. At the end of the session, over a cup of hot juice, the children shared their learning from the session. From building dens to role play and mud cakes, it seemed to fly by! Some children even found time to slide down the log slide.

This week, in Phonics, we read words with ‘g’, ‘o’, ‘c’ and ‘k’ and read our new tricky word ‘is’. We learn to read tricky words automatically. We talk about the part of the word where we can use phonics knowledge and the tricky part. In ‘is’, we know ‘i’ but ‘s’ is tricky because it’s saying another sound. Later in the term, during our Reception Family Workshop (Wednesday, 2nd November), I’ll share some ideas for learning tricky words at home. For example, writing tricky words on post-its and sticking them to the fridge and writing the tricky part in a different colour.

During Maths sessions, we added two groups of objects using our egg boxes and treasure chest ten frames. I shared a story about Redmond Bear’s trip to the beach and how he discovered shells and gems and needed the children’s help to add them together. Stories help to engage the children and make their learning meaningful.

In PE, we changed our shoes for pumps successfully, so we’re moving on to the bottom half next week. The children enjoyed their time in the hall moving in different ways, balancing on beanbags and making shapes with their body. If you’d like to try the beanbag challenge at home, use the steps below:

  • Stand on a beanbag with two feet.
  • Stand on a beanbag with your preferred foot.
  • Stand on a beanbag with the other foot.
  • Bend up and down on one foot.

Have the children told you about the krongelidong? The krongelidong is a mysterious creature who lives in the Write Dance forest. During our Write Dance sessions, we created krongelidongs using long, flowing, curved movements. Some of the children asked if he’d be at Forest School today! As we didn’t find one, we drew pictures of the krongelidong instead! You can find the link to our Write Dance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QR1bps_xn0

We change the children’s library books weekly, unless they’re not in their book bags. If you’re missing a library book, please just email the office to let me know.

Monday – Lions

Tuesday – Tigers

Wednesday – Parrots

Thursday – Zebras

Friday – Giraffes

A second eBook has been added to each child’s reading library this afternoon. I’ll talk about the eBooks and provide hints and tips for reading at home during our Reception Family Workshop.

Finally, it was lovely to see so many families during our open evening (current and from years gone by). Thank you for your kind words.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class x

Friday Fanfare 23.09.22


Hello Red Class Families,

Welcome to the first Friday Fanfare! Well done to all the children for completing their first full week as a class. We’ve enjoyed a lot of new experiences from buying tuck to afternoon clubs and group reading. Next week, we start Forest School too!

In Phonics, we discovered ‘i’, ‘n’, ‘m’ and ‘d’. Every lesson, we identify objects with the initial sound, play oral blending games and read VC (at, it) and CVC words (sat, pat, tap). In only a matter of weeks, the children have grown in confidence to blend their letter sounds and they’re starting to read simple words as a class.

This week, we also started group reading where the children read with the same adult three times each week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). During this time, they recap letter sounds, practise oral blending (where they hear phonemes and put them together to make a word) and share a story or a non-fiction book. We always start with picture books so the children settle quickly into their new routines. Every Friday, I will add your child’s group reading book to their eBook collection. To access their eBooks, please use the letter in your child’s book bag. This letter contains a unique username and password. During our open evening, Wednesday, 28th September between 6pm-7pm, I’ll show families how to use the eBooks and answer any questions.

In Maths, we used concrete apparatus to count, compare and talk about numbers to 10. We discovered a new song, ‘Dancing in the Sun’, which is a little bit like an Ibiza classic but all about numbers to 10! We’ve also been practising our subitising skills by looking at numbers to 5 and saying the number without counting. Try rolling a dice and see if you can say the number of spots without counting. This will help you with your subitising skills.

Communication and Literacy lessons focused on retelling nursery rhymes. From ‘Jack and Jill’ to ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty’. We talked about the meaning of new words, such as ‘crown’ and ‘fiddle’ and explored each rhyme through role play, illustrations and rhyme maps.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. Our little ones are very tired after a busy week at school. Remember to rest, play and enjoy spending time with your family.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class x