Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Red Class

Red Class Friday Fanfare - 13th December

Hello Red Class,

This week, you worked very hard to rehearse your Christmas play and today we filmed your little production.  Thank you to your families for sending in items for your costume. You all looked fantastic.  At such a young age, it always amazes me how you manage to sing, dance and put on a great show. I know it’s Christmas when a costume falls down or a tea towel falls off! It wouldn’t be the same without those moments.

Leading up to this week, we’ve been learning about the Christmas story using songs, story books, story cards and role play props. Each morning, we’ve listened to a popular Christmas song linked to the Christmas story. The children have recognised the songs from being in the car or at home and we’ve enjoyed talking about the meaning of the lyrics.

In phonics lessons, we’ve looked at sh (bush), ch (chop), th (thin) and ng (wing). If you’re missing these cards from your phonics book, then please send your book into school and we will stick them in for you. You can keep your first phonics book at home. We will complete your second book in the New Year.

Over the weekend, please practise the words to our Red Class song, ‘Away in a Manger’. We’re singing the first two verses. You might find the following website helpful: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06q8m3c

Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair. If you were unable to attend, we still have a few Forest School wands left to sell. They will be available until the end of next week. We also have a star from the top of one of the wands that was found on the path outside school. Please pop into school, if this belongs to you.

Finally, we will send PE kits home on Thursday after the Christmas performances.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxx

Red Friday Fanfare - 29th November

Hello Red Class,

We finished ‘Blackwell Bear Travels’ in style. You performed a fantastic Spanish song and dance in assembly and then you performed your retell throughout the morning. Today was a great day to meet new friends and to share your learning. We also enjoyed visiting different classrooms to learn about different parts of the world and to sample some delicious treats. A big ‘thank you’ to Mrs Davis-Green for reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, in Spanish, a record-breaking 8 times. The children liked using a familiar story to learn new words and phrases and my Spanish vocabulary has grown dramatically.

Our new topic will be ‘Christmas’. As you know, we’ve already started the dances and songs for our Christmas play. Over the next few weeks, we will learn about the Christmas story and why Christmas is a special time for Christians.  

In your book bags, you will find a costume slip. The slip outlines your part and some items of clothing for your costume. In the past, parents have bought packs of tights and shared them between the children. Where a top is requested, you can send tops with logos into school and we will turn them inside out. Tops can also be bought in packs and shared.

If possible, please return your costume in a bag with the costume slip attached. If you need any help or information, please pop into school.

You’ll find a new phonics book in your book bag tonight with ‘y’, ‘z’ and ‘qu’. We also discovered ‘zz’ this week, where two letters make one sound e.g. buzz, jazz.  

I hope you have a super weekend my little stars. Rest, play and perhaps say a few words in Spanish. J

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxxx

Red Friday Fanfare - 22nd November

Dear Red Class,

Next Friday (29th November), we’ll be taking part in our world showcase event, instead of visiting Forest School. During the showcase, we will retell ‘The Enormous Paella’, sing a Spanish song and serve a type ofSpanish cake. So, we’ll spend the beginning of the week taste testing and making cake!  I can’t wait!

Thank you to all our families for attending parent consultations.  It was really lovely to share the children’s learning and progress with you.  Rest, relax and enjoy the weekend Red Class and I’ll see you next week. By the way, you will find j, v, w and x in your little blue books.

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxx

Red Friday Fanfare - 15th November

Dear Red Class,

We started the week exploring Remembrance Day. We used the story “Five Minutes’ Peace’ to think about the meaning of the word peace before making a wreath of poppies for our door.

This week, we used our rhyming skills to read ‘be', ‘me’ and ‘he’. We played a game of ‘Snap’ to help the children to match keywords. Games, like ‘Snap,’ are a great way to support turn taking and visual memory skills. Next week, we will learn the last few single letter sounds and a new set of letters will be sent home in the blue books.  

You were super at exploring length this week. We used the vocabulary of short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest and the same. Can you compare the length of items at home? Maybe, you could compare socks!

We try not to mention Christmas before 1st December, however, we have started to learn songs and a dance for our Christmas play at St Catherine’s Church. Every Thursday, we join together with Green Class to sing songs from the play. So, you might start hearing Christmas songs at home.

I’m really looking forward to talking to your parents next Tuesday and Wednesday for our termly meeting. This is an opportunity for your parents to look at your books and to find out about your learning at school.

Thank you for helping us to raise money for Children in Need. We hope they have a successful night. Finally, I hope the weather looks a little brighter over the next few days. Rest, play and enjoy the weekend!

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxxx   

Red Class Fanfare

Hello Red Class,

You’ve settled back into school beautifully and made a great start to our new topic, ‘Blackwell Bear Travels’. Thank you for collecting lots of items linked to Spain. We’ve looked at books, photos, a flamenco dress and many more fantastic items.

I’ve really enjoyed sharing ‘The Enormous Paella’ with you. This story is based on ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Rather than pulling out a turnip, we’ve been stirring a paella! We use the Pie Corbett style of storytelling to help the children to learn stories by heart. This approach also helps the children to build a bank of story language. We use story maps, sequencing cards and actions to retell the story. At the end of this topic, we will retell ‘The Enormous Paella’ as part of our Spanish showcase.

In Maths, we made numbers between 6 and 10 using egg boxes.  To do this quickly, we made 5 by filling one side of the egg box and then we added the rest of the cubes. So, we made 6 with 5 cubes and 1 more cube and 7 with 5 cubes and 2 more cubes. We also discovered how to subtract a number of cubes from an egg box to make a number. So, we made 9 by filling the egg box and subtracting 1. Later in the week, we used tally lines to represent a number to 4.

In Phonics, we recapped previously taught letter names and sounds. Please use your little sound book at home to practise your letter sounds and names, particularly b, h, n and u. We also spent the week generating, reading, matching and spelling rhyming words. When we teach keywords in school, we try to group rhyming words together so that we can begin to see letter patterns. You were very good at telling me that ‘no’ and ‘go’ were rhyming words because they both end with the same sound. Can you think of another word to rhyme with 'no' and 'go'?

You will find a pack of information, from our curriculum workshop, in your book bag. The pack should contain the following:

-Reading and writing PowerPoint slides

-Keyword games sheet

-Letter formation sheet

-Handwriting progression sheet from Reception to Year 4

-Maths PowerPoint slides

-Maths games sheet

-Reception mental maths objectives

The main messages from the meeting included:

1. Use pure sounds when reading. Try not to add  –er to the end of sounds.

2. When reading at home, walk through the book first. Talk about the story and orally rehearse the sentences in the story before asking your child to read. Walking through the book will help to build confidence and fluency.

3. We start formal letter formation in January. However, we’re helping the children to write their first name using cursive letter formation.  We use Write Dance, which is a music and movement scheme, to prepare the children for writing. We also practise spelling using magnetic letters, letter tiles and similar resources and we build sentences using word cards. 

4. Count backwards just as much as you count forwards.

If you would like to find out more about how we teach reading, writing and maths, please pop into school.

Rest, play and have a lovely weekend Red Class,

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxx

Red Friday Fanfare - 25th October

Hello Red Class,

I hope you’re enjoying the first day of your holiday. Have you played your game yet? I wonder, how many noses and eyes have fallen off your hedgehogs? I hope you enjoy playing with your puppet too. Don’t worry if you were away on the last day. Your puppet and board game are safe at school and waiting for you.

A big ‘WELL DONE’ for this half term. You’ve achieved so much and I feel very proud of the progress you have made in Red Class. When we return, our new topic will be ‘Blackwell Bear Travels’ and we'll be finding out about Spain. If you have any photos or objects linked to Spain, please bring them in after the holiday

Rest, play and stay safe and I’ll see you after the half term break.

Mrs Webb xxx

Red Friday Fanfare 18th October

Hello Red Class,

Today, Oak, Oak, Ash (Forest School version of Duck, Duck, Goose) was our introductory game. Games like this help us to understand how to move around a fire circle safely. We listened to the story of ‘Grandfather Oak and the Little Acorn’ which supported our work on seeds and growth. We then used acorns and other seeds to make snails. When the rain started to fall, we returned inside for a warm drink and snacks.

During Phonics sessions, we looked at words with ss, ll and ff. We discovered that two letters can make one sound. I’ve popped some example words into your little blue books but you don’t need to draw any pictures. We added ‘no’ and ‘go’ to our keyword list. We’re growing in confidence to read these words by sight.

In Maths sessions, we subtracted small numbers using equipment and created subtraction number stories. We also performed a song called ‘Beans’ which helped us to count back from 5, 10, 15 and 20. There were lots of jelly, jumping and baked beans in the classroom!  

In play and explore time, the puppet show area was popular.  You enjoyed performing shows with your mini-me puppets. We will send your puppets home next week.  

Show and tell was fantastic with lots of super achievements to share and pictures linked to our autumn topic. It was lovely to share the children’s home learning.

Enjoy a wonderful weekend Red Class. Next week, we’re creating autumn board games.

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid and Mrs Cain xxx

Cardigans and jumpers

Hello Red Class Families,

Just a quick message before our Friday Fanfare tomorrow. Please could all families check cardigans and jumpers and send any uniform back to school if it's been picked up by accident. We're missing two items but they're named so they should be easy to locate. 

Many thanks :) 

Mrs Webb 

Red Friday Fanfare 11th October

Dear Red Class,

This week, at Forest School, we explored leaves and why some trees lose their leaves in the autumn. We performed a counting song called ‘10 Little Leaves’ and added new actions with the leaves turning, tumbling and even jumping through the air. Every Forest School session, the children are invited to explore their own interests. Today, some children were looking at stories inspired by nature,  another group of children decided to look for animals (puppets and other soft toys) hidden around the site and some children created a pretend fire.  

Phonics lessons focused on h, b, f and l. We tried very hard to spell words using these letters and their sounds.  At this stage of the year, we use letter tiles and magnetic letters for spelling activities. We also read our keywords daily: to, into the, I. See if you can find these keywords in your reading books. In Literacy sessions, we sequenced story events from ‘The Little Red Hen’ and compared the story to ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog.’ We thought the hedgehog could help the hen’s friends to be helpful!

In Maths, we talked about the idea of doubles and doubling using a picture stimulus board. We then made the link between doubles in the world around us (double yellow lines, double-decker bus) to finding simple doubles with equipment, for example, putting two of the same Numicon tiles together. During the rest of the week, we investigated patterns in the environment and used equipment to explore colour and shape patterns. You might like to try this game at home: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns

As a warm up in Music, we clapped the rhythm of our names and then played an untuned instrument to Mrs Webb’s pulse (beat). The children listened carefully and tried very hard to play together. After our performance warm up, we explored the sounds of the instruments before creating a class composition about falling leaves.

What a busy week! It’s now time to rest, play and enjoy your weekend. See you all Monday.

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid and Mrs Cain x