Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622


Nursery News ~ 13th December 2019

What a fun packed Christmas week we have had.

Indoors, Holly and Jolly have been up to their usual mischief by hiding things around the cabin - what fun we have had trying to find them first thing in the morning.  We have enjoyed practising our Christmas songs and dances for a very special show (see below).  We have been recreating the Christmas story with our Small World props - I wonder if you can remember the names of any of the characters in the story so far?  Mrs Lewis and Mrs Allen have been making Christmas hats for most of you ready to wear today for our Christmas lunch.  It was delicious - thank you very much Mrs Barker and Mr Hopkins!

Outdoors, Mrs Allen has gone Christmas tree crazy and has shown you lots of ways to create them using outdoor equipment.  You started off by sorting different lengths of sticks and tied them together with rope to create the tree shape and added the Forest decorations afterwards.  On Wednesday you all enjoyed hammering nails into a wooden frame and used wool to wrap around to create another tree shape.  You have even had a go at making trees out of pine cones, glue and glitter - please do not add glitter to your tree at home in the same way!

Next week the whole school will be performing their Christmas shows down at Blackwell Church and we will be performing ours.  Our Christmas show will be in the school hall on Friday 20th December at 2.30pm.  Please bring all your family and friends and come and enjoy watching the children show off their learning so far with a Christmas twist!  If you child does not attend on a Friday, please drop them at the cabin between 2-2.15pm and head on down to the hall to find your seat.  Could we request they come in dressed in Christmassy clothes and bring in a Christmas cuddly toy/teddy to join the show.

We hope to see you all their next Friday to help us enjoy and celebrate our last afternoon of what has been a long term for both the children and the adults.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn

Nursery News ~ 6th December 2019

Christmas is coming and we have had two new friends to help build up the excitement.  Holly and Jolly, our resident Nursery Elves, have not only been up to mischief in the nursery but are doing a super job of keeping an eye on how friendly we are with one another to report back to Father Christmas himself in two weeks time.

Indoors, we have been recapping on some of our favourite listening games, creating body sounds as part of our Phonics topic and learning all about the number 4 and the different ways it can be seen e.g. in a row, as a curved line, dice 4.  We have had fun with Mrs Allen to our Dough Disco tune "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer".  I have a real Christmassy treat for dough disco next week which Erica in particular is going to love!

Outdoors, you have been very creative with the pine cones and created your own Rudolph's as well as making some excellent carpenters with your sawing skills.  You enjoyed Mrs Allen helping you to make some wood cookies for our mud kitchen and were very sensible about this sharp tool.  These skills are going to be key to help you next week to create your own outdoor Christmas tree.

It was lovely to welcome our new nursery friends on Tuesday morning to their "Stay and Play" session, we are looking forward to having all of you with us in the New Year. 

Next week we will start practising and choosing some of our favourite songs, dances and action songs to share with you, our "audience", at our very own Nursery Christmas show.  This will be on the last day of term, Friday 20th December, at 2.30pm in the school hall.  If your child does not attend on this day and you want them to take part, please drop them at the cabin at 2.00pm and head on to the hall.  Everyone is welcome to come and have a hot drink and mince pie - the more the merrier!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn

Nursery Information Evening - Wednesday 27th November 2019

We will be repeating our Nursery Information Evening next Wednesday at 6pm for parents that did not make it in the summer term and for parents of children who will be starting in January 2020.

Please do come along as it gives you a good insight into Nursery life.

Nursery News ~ 15th November 2019

Happy Friday Everyone! Can you believe we have been back for two weeks already?

In the cabin, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have moved on to our second Listening Rule which is “Good Listening is Sitting Still”. Sitting still during circle time, meal times and around the log circle is important to “show” that you are listening and learning. Your sitting skills are being put to the test with bubbles, disco music and having to wait to play an instrument only when a visual cue is given.

Phonics. We have moved on to our new Topic “Instrumental Sounds” and the musical instrument basket has made an appearance! Last week we explored the sounds an instrument can make – loud/quiet and we created a Musical Nursery Band to find items around the nursery – when the band played loud, you were close to the object. This week we have matched the musical instruments to ways we can move our body e.g. maraca = footstep, drum = march. Your favourite game was “Grandmother’s Footsteps” where the unseen instrument was played and you had to make it to Grandma (or even Grandad today!) – definitely the hardest part was freezing when the instrument stopped.

Number. We have been learning a new song “In a Week” to help us with our days of the week – I wonder if you can remember which day of the week we rub our tummy, which is the naughty day and which is our friendly day? We have been comparing lengths of different things – sticks, ourselves and ripped paper to help us create our very own Christmas cards (order forms for these have now come out). This week we have added the Number 3 to our Number Line and played lots of 3 games including seeing whose letter shape we can create with 3 sticks.

Nursery Rhyme. We have added to our Nursery Rhyme collection with the “Grand Old Duke of York” and “Row Row Row the Boat”. We enjoyed making our own soldiers to follow the Duke up and down the hill and then used these at 11am on the 11th November to complete our very first minute’s silence. This week we have been rowing our boat and learning the signs for boat, crocodile, polar bear and lion. We enjoyed Ariana’s story about her holiday on a boat where she told us there were little boats on the big boat in case of an emergency. This leads us beautifully into next week’s Nursery Rhyme about a sailing ship that sinks.

Write Dance. We finished off our mark making element with the song “The Rainbow” where we colour mixed two rainbow colours with our hands to create a new rainbow colour. Can you remember what colour yellow and red make when mixed? This week we have moved on to a new song/dance with “Down at the Station” - a popular song for lots of you as you enjoyed picking up the hose and putting out the fire. We definitely have a team of future firefighters this year!

Dough Disco. New dough = new dance moves. We have enjoyed Sophie’s choice with a song from Moana. Creating water drops and an island for Moana to live on helped us with our ball and pinching skills. We have returned to a Rory favourite from last year of “I Like to Move, Move It”. This song has had us passing from one hand to the next, taking the dough around our body; let’s not forget the wiggles/jiggles that this song makes us all do. J

Outdoors, in Forest School, we have been playing/learning with:

Firework fun. We enjoyed watching a clip of fireworks on the balcony and then we tried to create the sounds ourselves with musical instruments. Can you remember an instrument that made the best firework sound? Mrs Allen also showed you how you could use the coloured chalks and paint with water on the patio to create a firework pattern/picture.

Magnifying glasses/Binoculars. To put our looking skills to the test, Mrs Allen created some photocards of things you could hunt for in Forest School. Using the magnifying glasses, you all had a lot of fun finding and sometimes collecting (!) the smaller bugs/leaves and the binoculars helped you with your bird spotting. A designated area in Forest School for all those budding bird watchers definitely needs thinking about.

The Swing. On Tuesday, Mrs Allen and a team of carpenters managed to get the tree swing back into action. Hurrah! You helped to cut the rope with a hacksaw, found a perfect length stick to sit on and even had to help a very short Mrs Allen, get the rope over the tree branch. Taking turns on the swing is the next challenge as it is a popular choice with both Nursery and Red class!

Stick Shakers. To link in with our Phonic “Instrumental Sounds” theme, Mrs Allen helped you to create your own musical instruments using a Y stick, some string and pasta. This was a popular choice as we are all keen to create some tracks for the Nursery Music Band this term. These threading skills are excellent to support your fine motor control – have a go at home with some string/dried pasta.

Obstacle Courses. Using ropes, tarpaulin and cargo netting, you helped to create an excellent obstacle course to match up to the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” story. You enjoyed stepping over ropes, balancing on wooden beams and crawling on those hands and knees to go under the cargo netting (definitely the hardest part of the course).

Dens. Following on from the obstacle equipment coming out, you took on your own play ideas and used them to create a den and didn’t we need it!!! Thank you for creating a dry space for us all to hide under when that rain came on Thursday!

I am really looking forward to seeing you all at the Parent Consultations this week. At your given time, please come to the main Reception. On the main table there will be a Nursery photobook of our learning for the first half term for you to look through whilst you are waiting.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery news

Click here for the latest newsletter. A version with photographs is available on parentapp. Please sign up with the office to receive parentapp notifications.

Nursery News ~ 25th October 2019

Happy Half Term Everyone!

In the cabin, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have finished off our final “Looking” game with “Who is Hiding Under the Blanket?” We chose a friend to hide their eyes whilst we hid another friend under the blanket. You had to work out who was missing, sometimes needing clues of their voice or looking at their slippers. Always a favourite game. We move on after half term to a new listening rule of “Good Listening is Sitting Still”.

Phonics. We have finished off our Phonics work on Environmental Sounds by exploring “Mrs Mander’s bag”. We sang our song and then you had to listen to objects that were in the bag and work out what they were. Can you remember the five objects? It made us smile to hear what are in your mummy’s bags too!!! “My mummy has lollipops in her bag for me” Erica. “My mummy has cream for her eyes in hers” Harry.

Maths. The “Cheeky Monkey Counting song” has had us counting backwards by placing our ten monkeys in our ten frame and watching them fall out of their tree. We have been sorting objects first by colour – which has led us into one of Belle’s favourite songs “I can sing a rainbow” - and sorting objects by shape. This is something we will be revisiting next half term as “same” and “not same” are difficult concepts to understand.

Nursery Rhyme. Our Nursery Rhyme this week has been “I’m a Little Teapot”. We have been singing and dancing to the rhyme and sssshhhhhh, don’t tell your grownups, but we used our very own mini teapot set to make a real cup of tea and most of us even had a sip! Can you remember what we did to make it?

Write Dance. We have moved on to a new song/dance of “The Rainbow” – what beautiful rainbow shapes you can create with your fingers. The tricky part was swaying left and right and keeping your feet on the floor – have a practise over half term.

Dough Disco. The poor monkeys have worked hard this week as we had to replace the dough with them. We created a little dance for them to “Dance Monkey”. I am sure this is song that will be played at many a party in years to come – a great song! We are moving on to a Sophie favourite after half term courtesy of Moana.

Outdoors, in Forest School, Mrs Allen has taken us to:

The Gully. We have now been shown how we can keep it clean and clear of sand, leaves, bark and mud! The brushes box has been added with a range of shapes and sizes to keep us busy cleaning. What a difference it made to have the water flowing through the gully – a definite job to revisit every Monday! She has also added in the syringes and pipettes and talked to us about how we can now transfer water from the gully to other areas of the Forest School by filling pots and cans.

The Balcony. We now have another activity that we can do on the balcony by using the wooden table as our base. Mrs Allen has shown us how we can use the natural materials in pots e.g. cones, shells, rocks to create our very own natural artwork. When the rain comes, this is the part of the Forest School that will definitely become a popular choice!

Painting. You had fun on Tuesday with Mrs Lewis when you did some outdoor sponge paintings using autumn colours. Your creations have been cut out and turned into leaves which now make a beautiful display in our window seat in the cabin. Have a look next time you are up on the balcony.

The Patio. A popular choice this week has been using the long wooden sticks as a form of transport with our friends. I think the maximum number of friends to fit on the “Broom” was four but how much co-operation did you need to ensure you were all facing the same way and moving at the same speed – hilarious to watch!

What a long half term it has been but you all – you are certainly ready for a well-deserved rest with your families. Enjoy every second!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery News ~ 18th October 2019

Happy Friday!

We are almost there, we have almost completed our first half term together…..phew, what a long half term it will have been for us all!

In the cabin, during Circle Times, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have enjoyed playing with the new “Stop/Go” paddle to help support us with our looking. The funniest game so far was our Silent Disco where we moved our bodies to no music and had to watch out for the Stop/Go instruction. Anyone looking in would have found us a strange bunch!

Phonics. We have continued this week with our work on environmental sounds where we have been matching Green class with their musical sounds with our own drumsticks! We took our drumsticks for a walk into Forest School today to see how they sounded when banged on different objects.

Number. The “Teddy Dance” song has had us placing our dancing teddy in different positions around our body – in front, behind, above, around, under, next to, between and on – see if you can have a go at doing this at home with your favourite teddy. We have had fun being the dancing teddies with a partner, placed our own small world person around the cabin in different positions and played “Hide and Seek” in the Forest by hiding “behind” so as not to be caught.

Nursery Rhyme. Our Nursery Rhyme this week has been “Little Miss Muffet”. We have had some excellent role play this week from some brave Mr and Miss Muffets who have chosen a seat for “tuffet”. We explored the Forest School bug bag and had some very different bugs frighten us away – moths, bees, ants.

Write Dance. We have had another week on “Tickle Tree” but added in the mark making element by creating fingers marks in soap, shaving foam and flour. We move on next week to “The Rainbow” where we are naming our rainbow colours – thank you Rory for letting me photocopy your jumper yesterday to help support us next week.  

Dough Disco. Thanks to Harry, we have been moving the dough to “The Music Man” sang by Mr Tumble. We have been creating and playing the piano, big bass drum, saxophone and triangle. Our dough disco dough has finally lost its sparkle for this half term and so next week we will moving some monkeys to a Mrs Mander favourite song “Dance Monkey”. Get ready mini monkeys!

Outdoors, in Forest School, Mrs Allen has opened up a new part of the Forest School for us to access on those rainy days – the balcony.

The Story Area. Cushions, blankets, stories and teddies have been added to our own balcony Quiet Area and you have enjoyed coming up on your own or with a friend to share a story with some animal friends. This area is going to be a popular choice for lots of you when that rain comes!

Building. Blocks on the balcony are now open for you to come up and get creative with your construction skills. There are photographs of familiar buildings for you to create and as the weeks go on, photographs of your own buildings will be added to help give us ideas. If you arrive early in the morning, feel free to build away until the door opens but always remember to place the blocks back on their shadows ready for the next person.

Spiders. Outdoor craft is up and running now that we are all settled into the expectations of Forest School. Up on the balcony you have been able to come along and create your very own spiders using pipe cleaners. You then took these down into Forest School to play Incy Wincy and then took them home to continue the fun there.

Painting. You had fun on Wednesday with Mrs Lewis when most of you opted to create some conker paintings – who would have thought that rolling conkers and a little bit of paint could create such different and unusual patterns!

The Patio. The pipes and crates were open to play with on the patio and Mrs Allen taught us all how to carry around the pipes safely by dragging them like a tail. Popular games this week in this area were Pirates (where you used the pipes as a flagpole), Animal dens (where you created an enclosure for our soft animal friends to live using wooden blocks) and Ten Frame fun (where you laid the crates out in the ten frame pattern and found just enough friends to join you)!

Please can we make another request for warm hats to be left at Nursery in our hat basket. Yesterday was a particularly cold day and although we have spares, it is helpful if they can bring in (and leave) their own.

Have a lovely weekend - especially Belle who turns 4 this weekend!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery News ~ 11th October 2019

Happy Friday!

Well the colder weather has definitely kicked in this week and for some of us, those warm winter hats have made an appearance. If you haven’t done so already, please could you send in a named warm winter hat for us to keep in our hat basket here at Nursery. By all accounts, we are going to need it this Winter!

In the cabin, during Circle Time, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We enjoyed the looking game of “Follow my Leader” this week in the cabin. This skill of looking at not only adults talking, but also friends, is so important and the game helped support this as we had to keep up with a friend’s actions.

Phonics. As our listening skills improve, we have been able to add in a daily Phonics session to match what happens in Reception and KS1 in school. Phonics is the beginning of our reading journey. We start with listening and recognising environmental sounds both indoors and outdoors. You all enjoyed the bingo game where cabin sounds were played and you had to listen and match to the pictures on your board. We also went on a sound hunt outdoors – Green class definitely provided us with the loudest noise thanks to their musical instrument playing on their balcony!

Number. The “Good Morning” song has been our warm up song this week and has taught us about the sequence of our day – can you remember the signs for good, morning, afternoon, evening, night? We have also braved the scissors and glue this week, ready to add to our Creative shelf in the cabin, by cutting out and sticking the sequence of our Nursery day. These will be ready to come home to share with your family next week so you can talk to them about what you do all day.

Nursery Rhyme. “Incy Wincy Spider” has been a familiar Nursery Rhyme this week and we had fun by replacing the spider with something different from our /s/ glass jar to help our alliteration skills. Which did you find the funniest /s/ object to go down the water spout? Mine was definitely Sophie as she got stuck and we couldn’t get her out. Sorry Sophie, I hope it wasn’t too dark in there???!!!

Write Dance. We have moved on to a new song this week “Tickle Tree” and we have been practising our “tree pose”, tickling fingers and rolling arms for the acorns falling off the trees. If you are out and about this weekend, please could you see if you can collect and bring in some fallen acorns for our acorn bucket?

Dough Disco. A big thank you to Erica this week for Baby Shark, it truly is a classic song we all need to have on repeat in our heads! You enjoyed adding in the dough and squashing it with those hands for jaws. Next week, Harry has shared his favourite – The Music Man – I wonder what interesting instruments the dough can create?

Outdoors, in Forest School, Mrs Allen has shared some of her favourite animal friends with us that we can now enjoy playing with in Forest School.

The Story Area. “After the Storm” with Percy the Park Keeper was our shared story in the quiet area this week – definitely a perfect story for outdoors! Mrs Lewis also shared her Hedgehog story and talked about hedgehogs up on the balcony with some of you. Can you remember any interesting facts about hedgehogs?

Animals. The rabbit, the hedgehog and the squirrel all enjoyed some Hide and Seek fun with us following on from our story as Mrs Allen had hidden them around the Forest School and it was our job to find them. Once rescued, we then had to talk about and create new homes for them. Harry the Hedgehog was definitely safe under his pile of bark, leaves, sticks and feathers during the day – I hope he found his way out of it at night time as he was buried quite deep!

Follow the Leader. Every afternoon, Mrs Allen introduces us to a new playground game. This week, it was “Follow my Leader”. It is still a challenge for us to follow the person in front when there is so much of the world around us that we want to see! Definitely a game we will revisit and practise.

The Gully. Keeping the gully clear of leaves is always high on our agenda at this time of year! These Autumn days do create havoc when it comes to letting the water flow through. Luckily we had plenty of cups, jugs and wooden spoons to scoop it all out and keep that water moving. It was also great to see some of you using the wooden planks to create a bridge over the gully this week.

The Patio. The crates were used this week to create a pathway for us to climb, step and jump over thanks to the ideas of Red class. The wooden planks were added to make it trickier as we had to use our balance for part of the journey. Some of you came up with the idea of using these planks to make a seesaw for you and your friends - it always amazes me how your brains work with all these new ideas!

For those parents who are considering applying for a Reception space in September 2020, there is a whole school Open Evening on Wednesday evening (16th October) at 6.30-7.30pm for parents only. We hope to see lots of you there.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery News ~ 5th October 2019

Happy Saturday Team Nursery!

In the cabin, during Circle Time, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have been practising our happy, sad, angry and shocked faces in the mirrors to help us play a new game of “Who Feels Different?”. One person “felt” different to the others and it was your job to look at all friends’ faces to work out who it was. This was the most challenging Looking game so far and so we will be revisiting later in the term.

Write Dance. “We Can Do Anything” has continued to wake us up every morning with some excellent moves to the music. The challenge this week was to move behind a chair and add in some mark making up and down actions with our hands on the table. You thought the wet tables were slippy until we added in the handwash too! How clean were your hands (and the tables) once we had finished our morning moves??

Number. The “Pattern Parrot” has extended us this week with patterns of “1 and 2, 1 and 2” and you showed me this with Numicon, fingers, number cards. We began looking at what 1 and 2 look like in the “ten frame” too thanks to our Autumn conkers. The “ten frame” will be a key tool in our Maths learning this year – if you have any empty egg boxes that hold 10 at home, keep them to show your family how we do it! We have enjoyed comparing 1 and 2 with “Musical Groups” and yesterday we enjoyed a 1 and 2 Numicon hunt around the cabin. These Maths skills are sinking in as you seem to spot “pairs” everywhere now!!! Can you spot any at home this weekend?

Nursery Rhyme. “Rain Rain Go Away” has been a perfect choice of Nursery Rhyme this week! We played with the words of the Nursery Rhyme too by changing the Day of the Week and the weather to make it “Snow Snow Go Away…..”. I loved your answers to the question of which weather do you like/not like – fascinating how those young brains work! “I like the rain because of the patterns it makes” (Joshua). “I like the rain best because of the pitter patter sound” (Beccy). “I don’t like the sun as it shines in my eyes” (Harry).

Dough Disco. We have started to create a combination of Disco moves this week with Eden’s choice of music “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”. By the end of the week, you remembered it all the way through – sausage, pass, poke and play that dough musical instrument you created.   Next week, Erica has chosen a song I hoped we wouldn’t hear again in Nursery, “Baby Shark”. Get ready grownups, as they will be bringing it home!

Outdoors, in Forest School, Mrs Allen has introduced us all to the Story Area which is a perfect place to come if you feel like some outdoor Quiet Time.

The Story Area. Mrs Allen shared one of her favourite stories “The Enormous Turnip” in lots of different ways this week – pictures, role play and props. It made us giggle when we watched a team of children (and Mrs Allen) take on the roles of characters from the story and try and pull up our very own enormous turnip!

The Patio. We enjoyed a new game of “What’s the Time Mr Wolf” this week and it was great to see so many of you keen to take on the part of the wolf. You counted times up to five o’clock with steps and waited for those dreaded words “It’s dinner time”. It was lovely to hear Koa asking if we could play it again the next day.

The Gully and The Mud. Following a lot of rain and a new batch of mud, the tools and toys in the Mud Kitchen were looking like they needed a little TLC this week. Well don’t to those of you who helped Mrs with her washing pot in the gully. Same time again next week?

The Patio. It was lovely to see so many of you keen to try out the red trolley to transport objects around the Forest School this week. The wooden blocks made excellent ice creams and hot chocolates – I am not sure how we ate so much! The magnifying glasses were also a big hit with lots of you on the patio and Isaac seemed to find every bug living in Forest School.

The children have come in so well this week and now they have the added job in the morning of finding their name and adding it to their photograph before slippers and play. If you do arrive earlier than 8.30am (when the Nursery doors open), please can you help support us with our “no running” rule on the balcony. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery News ~ 27th September 2019

Happy Friday everyone!

Well the first batch of wet weather this week definitely tested out our waterproofs and lots of bags went home with wet clothes as a result. We will only send a bag home if there are wet clothes that need washing and replenishing. Thank you to ALL who provide those bags in Boot Room, they make our job so much easier!

IN THE CABIN during Circle Time, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have been playing a new game of “Wink for a Turn” to help support those looking skills. It is so important you can show that you are listening by looking at the person talking and this game helped support this – try it out at home with your families.

Write Dance. We have been jumping, swinging arms, shaking hands and stretching to a new song of “We Can Do Anything” – get ready because next week we are going to move on to the next Write Dance stage of mark making to the music on the tables.

Number. The “Pattern Parrot” has helped us warm up our Maths brains by creating a repeating pattern of two actions e.g. open/close, left/right, up/down. We have moved on to learning about the number 2 and you have shown me 2 objects, built towers with the light blue numicon 2, practised drawing number 2 on a friend’s back. The favourite game this week has been “Musical 2’s” where we have boogied around the room to the disco music and when the music stopped we have created a group of 2 children, a “pair”. See if you can spot some “pairs” at home this weekend!

Nursery Rhyme. “One Finger, One Thumb” has had us exercising those Baby Shark digits. Adding our own body actions on to the song had us giggling yesterday – I think in the end we had a list of 8 actions to remember including: arm, leg, wiggly bottom, stand up, sit down, nod of the head.

Dough Disco. We have been pinching and squeezing the dough this week to “Hakuna Matata” to get our fingers, hands and wrists ready for handwriting. Next week it will be Eden’s choice of song – one of my favourites too!

OUTDOORS, IN FOREST SCHOOL, Mrs Allen has now opened up the mud kitchen and couldn’t we tell – I bet your grownups had to get the nail brushes out at bath time!

The Sand. More birthday cakes were being created using the animals as decoration – Happy 4th Birthday Rory – we were lucky enough to enjoy the day with you!! Another popular activity was burying those diggers!!! Parker dug a hole so deep that we couldn’t actually find it - excellent!!

The Gully. Well the rain made this part of Forest School very exciting this week as it kept getting so flooded, we couldn’t actually find it. We had fun nevertheless trying to keep it clear of all the leaves, mud and sand – you are super helpers, I hope you are like this at home!

The Mud. It is finally open for business – hooray! I was missing those hot chocolates and mud pies and you certainly didn’t disappoint. Thanks to the rain, it made the mud even more moveable which was great as Mrs Allen could then teach you how to draw with a stick and mud just like the “Cave Baby” story.

The Patio. A popular play choice this week has been using the tubes from the shed for all sorts of weird and wonderful things: talking through them, reins for a horse and a skipping rope. You have also discovered that when you create a vehicle using the crates, they make excellent seatbelts – safety first!

It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Open Evening on Wednesday night and we had the chance to have a chat about how your little ones are settling in. They are certainly a confident bunch which has meant they have settled into Nursery life very quickly! We do have a more formal Parent Consultation in November (19th/20th) but in the meantime, do come and chat (or email for those working parents) about any questions, worries, concerns you may have.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.