Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622


Nursery News ~ 18th September 2020

Hello Nursery.
What a week with all this glorious sunshine!  Thank you to your grownups for sending in the sun hats and sun cream as it made your play experience outside as good as it can possibly be.  We cannot believe you are all only three, what a mature group of three-year olds you are.  You have picked up our routines following our daily timetable so quickly, we have never seen a group this good, this early on.  Next week, I will send home a copy of our visual timetable and you can share it with your family and talk about what each picture means.  This will be a duplicate of our visual timetable up in the cabin and so will hopefully help some of you who struggle with how long your day is by counting the number of pictures you will be doing each day.  We then always reinforce to each child during morning register e.g. today Lyla, you will be doing four pictures.
In the cabin, we have been able to start some focus circle time sessions a lot earlier in the year than normal due to your ability to sit still, look and listen.  We have begun our listening games by learning that "A Good Listener always looks at the person talking".  This is a little challenging for children of three and so we always begin by playing the game "Who Looks Different". In this game, one person hides their eyes, whilst we add something to a friend in the circle (sunglasses, stethoscope, cape, flower necklace).  The person who is on then has to return to the group and spot who looks different.  After our morning Forest School session we have started our routine of a Maths session before lunch in the cabin.  Singing about five frogs, monkeys and ducks has shown me how good your counting is too!  Next week we begin learning our weekly Maths song (get ready grownups!) and start a more focused Maths circle time by looking and exploring the Number 1.  It sounds easy but there are so many things to learn about the number 1!
Outdoors in Forest School, Mrs Allen has opened up the gully and the crate shed.  You have had fun fishing with the rods (a stick and a piece of string) and trying to hook those fish (a cork and hook).  I took some wonderful photographs of you all sat like little gnomes waiting for the fish to come along.  You have also been playing with the toy boats and working out ways to make them move quicker through the gully using the tools on offer and today you had to find some things in Forest School that would float down the gully e.g. leaf, bark.  Building with the red and blue crates is always a favourite, it is always great to see you designing vehicles to travel in.
Just a quick reminder to the parents, when you drop off, can you ensure you let Mrs Moss or me know what time you will be collecting as we are desperately trying to restrict the movement around the school as well as keep the children settled.  A quick email on a Sunday night to let me know would work too!  🙂
Fingers crossed for some more sunshine this weekend - enjoy every second, I know I will!
Mrs Mander and all of the Nursery Team X

Nursery News ~ 11th September 2020

Hello Nursery.

We have made it to the end of our first week and we are lucky that the weather has made it so pleasant for us. We have all enjoyed playing in the sand, especially when Red class joined us as they have some excellent play ideas. The mud kitchen and baking mud cakes was also a favourite activity – I don’t think I have ever eaten so much cake. This year I have a good feeling that we have a team of mark makers as you created some colourful patterns on the patio. I hope the hands weren’t too colourful when they all returned home to you.

Indoors we have started working on our Gross Motor skills by singing, dancing and today moving around to our song “Just Like This”. I hope you managed to share the four actions with your families? Marching, Building, Zigzagging and Eating (Mrs Mander’s favourite!). We have worked hard on our handwashing too every morning. A big thank you to Martha and her mummy who have shown us how to make “Bubble Gloves” – keep practising making these at the weekend to keep those germs away. Our Maths journey began with a favourite song of “Five Little Speckled Frogs” but in true Nursery style, we changed the frogs to ducks and the log to a red bus. What made us giggle more was when the frogs leapt into a big pool, made a huge splosh and poor Nina and Neve got wet! Those frogs are now ready for you to play with during our Indoor Play sessions and next week the Five Naughty Monkeys will be joining us for some more counting fun.

Have a lovely weekend with your families and get plenty of rest ready for some fun next week!

Mrs Mander and the Nursery Team

Welcome to Nursery

Hello Nursery!

We hope you have all had a lovely summer break.

We cannot wait to have you all return for some fun in the cabin and forest.

Our first topic is "All About Me" where we will be getting to know more about our older friends and finding lots out about our new friends.

Please remember to bring your own backpack every day with:

-a change of clothes

-an empty water bottle

-one small soft toy/comforter (if required)

Whenever your first day is, please also bring in your named wellington boots and slippers to stay with us for the year.

See you all over the next two weeks.

Best wishes,

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Miss Bailey and Miss Checkley (the Nursery Team)

Nursery Bags and Toys

To make our hometime process easier, please can we request that a small bag, with a change of clothes only, stays on the children's pegs in the boot room and doesn't come home daily.  These will only come home if they need replenishing.  Also, could all helmets be placed on the hooks at the top of the ramp for parents to collect once the children have been released down the ramp.

Please could we also send a reminder that if your child does want to bring a toy into Nursery (which they do not need to) that it is just one toy and it is small.  We do not have the space to store large toys or the opportunity in the day to play with them.  A small toy for Quiet Time would be ideal or a story to share. 

Both of these requests will help support us getting the children ready independently for home with very little adult support. :-)

Thanks, Mrs Mander

Nursery News ~ 13th March 2020

Happy Friendly Friday! Our favourite day!

Another fun week in the outdoors with a lot of mark making. We started the week by looking for marks around the Forest school and discovered boot prints in the rain, tool marks in the sand and animal prints in the gully (!) I wonder whether you can find some outdoor prints yourself this weekend. We then moved on to making marks by creating our own tool (whittling a stick) and dipped it in mud, shaving foam and paint. We even had a go at mark making with our fruit peelings – banana skin, apple peel – it was funny to see what marks these make! In the afternoon, Mrs Allen has taught us some new “team games” – Stuck in the Mud and Tails. It was funny to see your tails stuck on your waterproofs with masking tape!

Indoors our “schoolies” have begun a new Phonics topic – alliteration. We have been listening and practising how to correctly say our own sound and shown the action to match. Can you show your families this weekend your sound? Can you remember the sounds of your friends? We have also been dice crazy now we have learnt all about the numbers 1-6. We have matched our roll of the dice to numicon, number strings and the trickiest, number cards. For our younger children, you have been working on your Looking skills with Mrs Allen using the stop/go paddle. It was fun to hear you having to stop your nursery rhyme partway through if you were shown the STOP sign! You have also been learning about the word “behind” and enjoyed a game of Hide and Seek in the Forest where you had to find something to hide behind. We have all been singing and role playing Humpty Dumpty and thanks to Noah, have enjoyed our Dough Disco song of Shotgun.

Please do take time this weekend to catch up on all the correspondence from Mrs Moss on the parentapp as these changes will apply to Nursery as well as the rest of the school.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Flynn.

Nursery News ~ 6th March 2020

What a beautiful end to the week - the sun has shone all day today making our outdoors feel very much like Spring.

It was lovely to meet most of your grownups at Parent Consultations this week - it is always so lovely to find out what you are like at home. :-)

We have begun our "Families" topic and lots of you now have your family photograph up on our wall.  We will be playing some fun games with these over the next few weeks.  If you do not have a family photograph on the wall, please can you ask your grownup to get one to us.

Outdoors we have explored the new pond area with Mrs Allen, it is going to be fun to watch and see how this area develops as the weather warms up.  When the big children go to Forest School in the afternoon, they are always munching on apples and so Mrs Allen decided it would be fun to steal the pips and plant them - how exciting to see if anything happens!  Your looking skills have been put to the test by using the magnifying glasses to explore broccoli, lettuce and asparagus and using the binoculars to find and spot those singing birds.  Our safety rules have been revisited on how we move the long sticks in the building area to build a den.

Indoors we have been role playing the Nursery Rhymes of Jack and Jill by building and climbing up some hills and flapping our wings to fly away to "Two Little Dicky Birds".  Our Write Dance of Pat-a-Cake has had us making circles with our wrists (very tricky!), hips (the funniest!) and in green paint (like the Hulk!).  Our younger group have been learning about the number 1 and the number 2 and seeing how they can look so different in objects, numicon and now egg box style!  Our older children have been learning different ways we can make six and you have extended your learning by making your own doubles.  Dough Disco has had us balling and twisting our wrists to "What does the Fox say?" and poking and passing to "Getting Jiggy with it".  For most of us, rhyming has been our favourite Phonics circle time as we have been making Silly Soup and playing Rhyming Bingo.  Your listening skills have come on such a long way since September which has made learning about rhyming so much easier for you.  Keep it up as we move on to alliteration, blending and segmenting in the summer term, this will really test your listening skills.

Fingers crossed the sun shines all weekend!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Flynn.