Red Class Friday Fanfare 23.02.24
Hello Red Class Families,
This week, we set sail into our new topic, ‘Pirates’. The children have been busy making pirate ships in Play and Explore and creating pirate ship pictures for our display. Using a fictional character, Anne, we started to learn about the life of a pirate. By the end of the topic, we will tell Anne if we think being a pirate is a good idea. So far, the food doesn’t sound appealing with hard biscuits, bread and rotten fruit! Luckily, Red Class will be learning how to make a healthy pirate drink in their Design Technology lessons using fresh fruit! Further information about our topic work can be found on our class newsletter.
We have now covered all digraphs and trigraphs for the year in Red Class! We will spend the rest of the year revising our sounds, reading longer words with double letters or two or more digraphs. We will also be concentrating on using our letter sounds to spell as we try hard to listen to the sounds and record them using the cursive script.
Today, we sent home one book as we need to keep our group reading books for another week due to staff illness. Throughout this term, the children will continue to receive two books. The first book will be matched to their phonics ability and the second is their group reading book. After reading three times in the week, the children should be able to read the second book fluently with very few mistakes.
In Maths, we’ve been learning about tally marks and how to use these to represent a number. We recorded tally marks to 5 and used our number fans to link the numeral. At home, the children can use straws, lollipop sticks or cotton buds as tally marks or they can use a pencil to record the marks. Remember to ‘cross the gate’ at 5. Perhaps vote for your favourite drink and ask your child to record the tallies for each option.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx
P.S. Wishing all our poorly Red Class children a speedy recovery with lots of rest this weekend.