Red Class Friday Fanfare 24.11.23
Hello Red Class Families,
We were scientists in Red Class as we investigated animals from around the world. We named, described and sorted animals and played a guessing game to identify animals from their silhouette. The ‘Odd One Out’ tested the children’s ability to reason as they explained which animal didn’t fit the group. The children started to talk about nocturnal animals and those that hibernated. We’ll continue our investigation next week.
In Phonics, we introduced ‘z’ including words using the digraph ‘zz’ e.g. buzz. We also focused on ‘qu’ and ‘ch’. Every lesson, we blend phonemes to make words and read a sentence as a whole class. We also spell a word using our magnetic letters. We’ve introduced new tricky words: go, no, to, into. Our tricky words need the most support as we need to learn them by sight. Putting these words in places where your child will frequently see them (bathroom door, fridge, bedroom) will help your child to remember them. Also playing games such as matching pairs or odd one out (show 3 cards with 2 the same and 1 different) will help.
Early next week, I will send home your child’s part for our Christmas play and any costume items that might be needed. In the past, parents have bought multipacks of tights and shared them out or just shared what they have at home. If there are any problems sourcing items for the costume, please just let me know. This year, Red Class will be leading ‘The Nativity’.
It’s our ‘Big Blackwell Book Festival’ next Friday at 2pm. Further information can be found on ParentApp. We look forward to sharing a good book or two with you.
Best wishes,
Mrs Webb and Team Red Class