Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Friday Fanfare 14.10.22


Hello Red Class Families,

Thank you for attending parent consultations. It was lovely to talk about the children’s progress and to share their learning journey with you. After half term, you will receive a report detailing some of the points discussed including targets. If we met via Zoom, you should find a mental maths progression sheet in your child’s book bag. This is a long half term and the children have worked incredibly hard. Not long to go now before we can all enjoy a good rest.

In Phonics, we looked at ‘h’, ‘b’, ‘f’ and ‘l’ and the keyword ‘the’. Remember to open your mouth a little, put your teeth on your bottom lip and push the air out to make ‘f’. When saying ‘l’, pop your tongue to the top of your mouth behind your teeth and press saying ‘l’. Try to find objects beginning with ‘h’, ‘b’, ‘f’ and ‘l’. Practise oral blending by listening to letter sounds e.g. l-e-g or h-i-p and touch the correct body part.

In Maths, we explored 2D shapes (rectangle, square, circle and triangle). We used elastic bands on pegboards and paper straws and string on the floor to create shapes. During our practical activities, we started to describe the shapes and identified whether they had straight or curved sides. We also found a semi-circle and discovered it had both straight and curved sides. See if you can find some 2D shapes at home. Can you find and count the sides of the shapes?

During Communication and Language lessons, we looked at two nests and asked and answered questions about them. We also sequenced the events of ‘Owl Babies’ and ordered a phrase as a whole class to match a photograph of an owl. Next week, we’ll be finding out interesting facts about owls!

In Write Dance, we created circles and eights with our hands, arms and feet. We then traced circles in shaving foam and created owl eyes by crossing the midline of the body and drawing lazy eights (eights on their side). You can find a link to support learning at home here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFEZzcJRtVQ

Finally, it was another busy session at Forest School. Two children found dinosaur bones (interesting pieces of bark), while other children made leaf mobiles to hang in the forest or created potions. We played a new game where the children return to camp without Mrs Lewis spotting them. I love to see their tactics when they play this game. Thank you, Mrs Lewis, for volunteering every week to help us to play and learn in the forest. 

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. If you’re visiting the scarecrow trail, look out for our school cook scarecrow. We think the staff of The Blackwell Kitchen are superheroes. They make over 750 meals a week and help the children to be healthy, happy and ready to learn. Not all superheroes wear capes.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx