Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Red Class Fanfare 26.06.21


Hello Red Class,

It was a busy and creative week with the opening of our school art gallery. We used our collage skills to create a space themed picture inspired by ‘Whatever Next!’ Although, we covered the same basic skills of cutting, sticking and overlapping, each piece of artwork looked unique and showed great imagination. It was wonderful to see the children’s work hanging alongside the work of their friends from across the school. We also enjoyed voting for our favourite pictures.  

As well as creating artwork for the gallery, we designed and made cheese puffs for our special event. The children selected their own cheese and herbs after a taste testing session and evaluated their work. There were some great ideas for changes including the shape of the puffs, adding herbs to the pastry and even trying some chocolate too.

After our visit to the art gallery, we were transported around the world through music as we listened to the wonderful sounds of a string ensemble from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. The children were captivated by the sights and sounds of live music.

As we’re nearing the end of the year, we’re starting to see some tired little ones in school. Please try to rest over the weekend and remember 1.40pm is an option throughout the week. We need to keep going for one more topic, ‘Deep in the Jungle’, where we’ll be creating a class assembly video for our You Tube channel.

Finally, it’s the Summer Fair today. We’ll be selling the children’s lavender pillows on our stall, between 12pm and 2pm, on St Catherine’s Road.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx

P.S. You’ll find ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘x’ and ‘z’ in your handwriting book.