Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Friday Fanfare 30.04.21


Hello Red Class Families,

This week, Red Class walked for an hour around Blackwell village. This is the same amount of time it takes Okeyo to walk to school. Although we didn’t spot any elephants, we did spot Elephant Alley and St Catherine’s Church and all the little ones from our Forest Friends group waved us off on our adventure. When we arrived back at school, the children were pleased to find out it was time for lunch.

By walking for an hour, we’re hoping to raise money for African Promise who support rural primary schools in Kenya. If you would like to make a donation to our chosen charity, please pop your donation in an envelope marked ‘Red Class – African Promise’. Thank you for the donations we’ve received so far.

You will find a new handwriting book in your child’s book bag tonight. I’m starting slowly with two letters (c and o from the curly caterpillar family) so the children can take their time and produce their best work. Some children might prefer to work in a different way, for example, using shaving foam or marker pens on old rolls of wallpaper. If this is the case, just write a brief comment in the handwriting book. Remember, when writing curly caterpillar letters, you need to start from the line and move your pencil round and back. I’ve left a page between each letter sheet so you can revisit your learning during the week. Each letter sheet has a step by step guide and a You Tube link to support your work at home. Handwriting books will be collected every Thursday and returned on Friday. I will award two homework certificates, each week. Try your best and work hard.

New reading books will be sent home on Tuesday due to the Bank Holiday.

Wishing you all a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend.

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx