Friday Fanfare 23.04.21
Hello Red Class,
Well done for making a great start to the new term. This week, we met Okeyo who lives in Kenya. We will spend the next four weeks finding out about Okeyo and his life in Kenya.
We used Google Earth to find the continent of Africa before looking for Kenya and Okeyo’s school. We had enough time to find some of the main features of Blackwell including our school, park and St Catherine’s Church. We looked at photos of a bustling Kenyan market, mountains and a beautiful savanna.
The children asked some fantastic questions about Kenya.
- Are there volcanoes in Kenya?
- Why is their flag different to our flag?
- What is their money like?
- Can Okeyo see animals from his garden?
When Okeyo travels to school, he sees tigers and elephants. We see houses, shops and lots of cars. Okeyo has a lot of friends and they all enjoy learning together. However, we discovered that Okeyo’s school is different to Blackwell. He doesn’t have any toys to play with and they have one meal a day. We decided to help Okeyo by raising money for African Promise. This is a charity helping to improve primary schools in rural Kenya.
It takes Okeyo an hour to walk to school every day. Next week, we would like to take the children for an hour long walk around the village to help them to appreciate Okeyo’s experience. If you would like to help raise money for African Promise, by sponsoring our walk, please send an envelope into school labelled ‘African Promise’.
At the end of the topic, we need to present our learning to Mrs Moss during a Zoom assembly. Mrs Moss will then decide if each class deserves a donation for their chosen charity.
What a busy week! Now, it’s time to enjoy the sunshine with plenty of time to read, rest and play.
Mrs Webb and Red Class Team xxx