Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Friday Fanfare 26.03.21


Hello Red Class,

Today was the last day of our ‘Native Americans’ topic. We celebrated with an online Zoom showcase of dance, singing and storytelling. We recorded our rain dance for all our friends to see. Next week, we start our final topic of the spring term, ‘Easter’. We’re looking forward to a virtual trip to Worcester Cathedral.

In Phonics, this week, we learned to read and write words using ‘oi’ (boil), ‘ur’ (turn), ‘ow’ (cow) and ‘er’ (flower) and talked about the keyword ‘are’. Handwriting sessions focused on ‘v’, ‘w’ and ‘z’. We’ll learn about ‘x’ next week. You can find videos to help below:

V and W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2blzGPk2Eg

X and Z: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St5RHwFCkWM

In Maths, we compared and measured the weight of objects using bucket scales and explored weighing in everyday life e.g. baking. Can you find any scales at home? How do they work? We also had time for some pattern work and we explored patterns in different ways e.g. drawing, using natural objects and finding patterns in the classroom. Can you find and make patterns at home? Try making repeating patterns.

At Forest School, Mrs Flynn showed us how to use a saw and we started to make tree cookies. She was proud of your listening and behaviour. You used the tools and equipment sensibly and safely. We also had a lot of fun playing Forest School tig.

We’re looking forward to seeing Red Class families at our virtual Easter event on Thursday, 1st April at 10am.

Here’s a link to ‘I’m A Spring Chicken’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEey4LZLeGw

Listen to the song over the weekend and you’ll be ready for our performance.

Hopefully, the sun will shine for you this weekend.

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx