Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Friday Fanfare 4.12.20


Hello Red Class Families,

It was a wet Forest School session but we made the most of it with lots of games and activities. We started the session with a co-operation game, called ‘sticky elbows’, where the children moved around the site with their partner by joining elbows. We used other body parts too. We discovered how to use materials from the forest to play games. We used sticks, leaves and pine cones to play ‘three in a row’. We also used the loppers to trim the holly. Today, was our final Forest School session for this half term. The children can wear their usual school uniform for the remaining days of term.  

In Maths, we recapped how to make numbers between 6 and 10 using the ‘5 and …’ rule. We used a timer to see how quickly we could make each number and the children were very speedy. We also practised writing numerals using rhymes and pictures. The children created great numeral animals by using a different numeral for each body part. We covered 1, 4 and 7 (straight line numerals) and we’ve just started curved numerals (3). Here are the rhymes so far:

1 – Start at the top and down we run. That’s the way we make 1.

3 - Around the tree and around the tree. That’s the way we make 3.

4 - Down and across and down some more. That’s the way we make 4.

7 - Across the sky and down from heaven. That’s the way we make 7.

Literacy sessions focused on the Christmas story and we identified and talked about interesting words, such as ‘amazed’ and explained words that we might take for granted that the children know, for example, ‘travel’ and ‘follow’. The children enjoyed using Grandma Webb’s knitted nativity in the classroom.

If you would like to write Christmas cards for the class, please email the office and we can pop a list of names into the book bag.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Webb, Mrs Hampton, Mrs Dyson, Mrs Flynn and Miss Barber.