Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

5th July 2024

Forest School Activity


As we joined Forest School, we all enjoyed a sing song at the fire circle with Old McDonald.  Mrs Allen then enjoyed creating a farm with you in the tuft tray on the patio – it was a very popular play choice this week.  Towards the end of the week, you enjoyed working together to make a crate tractor.


Battery Toys

We managed to fit in one more week of battery toy week, a very popular nursery circle time.  Exploring and talking about how technology works is our Computing target.  We enjoyed sharing our toys as part of a Show and Tell whilst our friends guessed how many of the three jobs the battery does.  Have a look around your home this weekend and find items with batteries and plugs. How many of the three jobs does each thing do?  Light up, move and/or make a sound?


Familiar Routes

We enjoyed some blindfold fun this week as we had to guide a friend around different parts of the school.  We took it in turns to get our friend from A to B with a guiding hand to begin and then our position with words only. Discussing routes and locations using words is one of our Maths targets!

Communication and Language

Let’s go to the Farm

A perfect story to begin our Food and Farming topic as you enjoyed learning all about life on a farm.  You enjoyed retelling the story with small world animals and looking at other information books about farms and farm life.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Our final song for the dough disco chosen by our Blue class friend Alice who comes to help us most days.  We enjoyed playing the role of the drummer, the singer and both guitarists from Blur with Song 2 as we banged the drums high and low with some VERY loud singing – WOO HOO!    



Our Learning Journeys are finally ready to be taken home and shared with your families.  Before they do, it is always an opportunity to share with your friends and adults first!  We enjoyed making sense of your life-story by talking about what has happened in the past.  Seeing your year in pictures and words is always special.  We hope you enjoy sharing in many years to come.

A message for parents – we look forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow at our Summer Fair.  Please come and find us on the “school produce” stall and bring along your £2.50 to collect your Olympic themed craft! 

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X