Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

Nursery News ~ 5th October 2019

Happy Saturday Team Nursery!

In the cabin, during Circle Time, we have been playing/learning:

Listening Games. We have been practising our happy, sad, angry and shocked faces in the mirrors to help us play a new game of “Who Feels Different?”. One person “felt” different to the others and it was your job to look at all friends’ faces to work out who it was. This was the most challenging Looking game so far and so we will be revisiting later in the term.

Write Dance. “We Can Do Anything” has continued to wake us up every morning with some excellent moves to the music. The challenge this week was to move behind a chair and add in some mark making up and down actions with our hands on the table. You thought the wet tables were slippy until we added in the handwash too! How clean were your hands (and the tables) once we had finished our morning moves??

Number. The “Pattern Parrot” has extended us this week with patterns of “1 and 2, 1 and 2” and you showed me this with Numicon, fingers, number cards. We began looking at what 1 and 2 look like in the “ten frame” too thanks to our Autumn conkers. The “ten frame” will be a key tool in our Maths learning this year – if you have any empty egg boxes that hold 10 at home, keep them to show your family how we do it! We have enjoyed comparing 1 and 2 with “Musical Groups” and yesterday we enjoyed a 1 and 2 Numicon hunt around the cabin. These Maths skills are sinking in as you seem to spot “pairs” everywhere now!!! Can you spot any at home this weekend?

Nursery Rhyme. “Rain Rain Go Away” has been a perfect choice of Nursery Rhyme this week! We played with the words of the Nursery Rhyme too by changing the Day of the Week and the weather to make it “Snow Snow Go Away…..”. I loved your answers to the question of which weather do you like/not like – fascinating how those young brains work! “I like the rain because of the patterns it makes” (Joshua). “I like the rain best because of the pitter patter sound” (Beccy). “I don’t like the sun as it shines in my eyes” (Harry).

Dough Disco. We have started to create a combination of Disco moves this week with Eden’s choice of music “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”. By the end of the week, you remembered it all the way through – sausage, pass, poke and play that dough musical instrument you created.   Next week, Erica has chosen a song I hoped we wouldn’t hear again in Nursery, “Baby Shark”. Get ready grownups, as they will be bringing it home!

Outdoors, in Forest School, Mrs Allen has introduced us all to the Story Area which is a perfect place to come if you feel like some outdoor Quiet Time.

The Story Area. Mrs Allen shared one of her favourite stories “The Enormous Turnip” in lots of different ways this week – pictures, role play and props. It made us giggle when we watched a team of children (and Mrs Allen) take on the roles of characters from the story and try and pull up our very own enormous turnip!

The Patio. We enjoyed a new game of “What’s the Time Mr Wolf” this week and it was great to see so many of you keen to take on the part of the wolf. You counted times up to five o’clock with steps and waited for those dreaded words “It’s dinner time”. It was lovely to hear Koa asking if we could play it again the next day.

The Gully and The Mud. Following a lot of rain and a new batch of mud, the tools and toys in the Mud Kitchen were looking like they needed a little TLC this week. Well don’t to those of you who helped Mrs with her washing pot in the gully. Same time again next week?

The Patio. It was lovely to see so many of you keen to try out the red trolley to transport objects around the Forest School this week. The wooden blocks made excellent ice creams and hot chocolates – I am not sure how we ate so much! The magnifying glasses were also a big hit with lots of you on the patio and Isaac seemed to find every bug living in Forest School.

The children have come in so well this week and now they have the added job in the morning of finding their name and adding it to their photograph before slippers and play. If you do arrive earlier than 8.30am (when the Nursery doors open), please can you help support us with our “no running” rule on the balcony. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Flynn.

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