Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

22nd September 2023

Nursery News – Friday 22nd September 2023

Forest School

Open new areas

With the sand and the mud kitchen fully open for business in our first two weeks, we were ready for the crates.  Mrs Allen showed you how to transport the red crates safely, how you could stack with them and which types of arrangements you could make with them.  The most popular game this week was to use them for a shop as you used the wooden blocks for the money.

Write Dance

(Gross Motor)

We can do anything

To get our body ready for the day ahead, we take part in a morning dance.  We called this Write Dance.  This Autumn term we learn the song/dance part and in the Spring term we mark make to the song once our hands are ready for it.  This week we have enjoyed jumping, stretching, swinging our arms and shaking our hands.  The tricky part was doing each one as we were travelling. 

Listening Game

Matching Pairs

This term our first circle time of the day is always a listening game.  Learning the four listening rules help us learn to listen.  This week you enjoyed playing hide and seek with your three nursery grown ups as we hid their faces around the cabin.  You shared who you had found and we played a taking turns matching pairs game.  Good looking is keeping your eyes on the faces being turned over!


The number 1

We have two parts to our Maths sessions – the transition game (whilst we wait for all of our friends to join us after Forest School) and a whole class game.  Our transition game was a fun game of showing 1 on a five frame.  Five frames are ways that we can “see” the number without counting.  We then moved on to meeting our orange numicon 1, showing 1 object in our orange hoop and finding ways we can show one on our fingers.  Have a go this weekend!

Communication and Language

When we’re together, Claire Freedman

After our lunch, it is time for some story fun with Mrs Allen in our Quiet area.  Every week, she shares a story linked to our topic.  This week you enjoyed talking about the things you like to do with your friends just like the animals in the story.  Mrs Allen introduced her soft toy friends and you had fun recreating a picnic for them to match an event in the story.

Dough Disco

(Fine Motor)

All About You, McFly

Dough disco is exactly what it sounds like – moving the playdough to a disco song.  We do this daily to increase the strength in the children’s fingers, wrists, hands, arm ready for handwriting next year.  The children will choose the song and we will create the dance.  It is VERY popular part of life with us so get your thinking caps on for a favourite disco song your little one likes – everyone gets a weekly choice.  This week was a topic one as we played musical dough to the song.  When Mrs Franklin stopped the music we had to lock that dough away in a pot and pop our hands in our lap.

A message for parents – it never takes very long for the germs to circulate amongst us (including the adults!) once term begins.  If you feel your child needs calpol before school then we ask that you let us know at drop off and the reason why.  If the reason is because of a high temperature, we ask that you collect them at lunchtime (11.30/12.00) or pop to the office and complete the paperwork for calpol to be administered at 12.00pm when the temperature is likely to spike again.

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X