21st October 2022
Happy Half Term Everyone! Thank you for all your support in getting the children settled into new school life. Dropping them in the mornings with an unknown adult is tricky for them and for you but it worked, they are all sailing in now. That is the hardest term done. In Music this week, we have continued to feel the pulse and rhythm with the use of a tambourine. A tap on the tambourine = clap, a shake of the tambourine = roly poly and a silent tambourine = freeze. In Write Dance we have been riding on horses to Horsey Horsey, stretching our arms forwards and backwards with our bodies. As we increase our circle time expectation, we have played two Listening games to practise two of our listening skills. Our good sitting game has been the trickiest yet as you had to keep hands in your lap when the bubbles were flying around you. Our staying quiet game has been the game of Chinese Whispers where we had to work as team to whisper the name on the face that Mrs Mander and Mrs Allen had chosen. Our Maths has had us hunting circles, creating small and large circles altogether and playing a “sand is lava” game in the sandpit and stepping across on the circles we had marked ourselves. Outdoors, in your C&L session, Mrs Allen has been sharing the story The Very Helpful Hedgehog and you have continued to show your Autumn finds – we have such a collection now so thank you! In Forest School you had fun collecting and creating your own mark making tool using “wrapping” and mud – an interesting way to make those marks! Our playground game has been “Ring a Ring o’ Roses” as we moved the circle both ways and crouched down to splash! In Art on the balcony you have been printing with those magic hands as you mixed red and yellow together to make a new colour – can you remember what it was? These three colours together have made your bonfire art ready to continue when we return after the holiday. Lottie chose our Dough Disco song, Brown-Eyed Girl sang by Van Morrison as we combined the pat, pinch and roly poly to dance with our dough. Enjoy this holiday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOXaSFkZzMQ A message for parents – over half term, continue to keep your hands in your pockets and give them time to sort those coats and those shoes for themselves. You could begin to push them now as well (if you haven’t already) by teaching them how to put on their own clothes as well. All of this is getting them “school ready” and creating resilient, independent people. Enjoy your family time everyone, we know we will! Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |