Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

24th June 2022

Happy Friday Everyone!

What a week of glorious sunshine we have had – so much fun outside and am sure you have returned home every day quite messy from all that outdoor fun.

Bobby chose our dough disco this week which led to lots of conversations about the heart and its job.  Enjoy this clip over the weekend – My Heart Goes, Becky Hill.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fseQRnEV9BQ .  Try and teach your family the three different actions to work those fingers, wrists and arms.

With all of the outdoor Play and Explore time, we have also had time to play some circle time games with the ball – Silent Ball and Hot Potato.  In Maths we have been creating the boy/girl pattern and playing against each other to see who could spot the mistake first.

With summer being our topic, Mrs Allen has been busy making a special summer flower ready for you to sell at the Summer Fayre next Saturday (2nd July).  Please do come along between 12pm and 2pm and find the teachers’ stall! 

Summer is always a fun season to explore and we have had a lot of giggles as we have been learning about which parts of our body we can use to explore summer things.  Can you remember the five parts of the body you can use to explore?  Next week, we are going to have some fun with our own senses wheels. 

A message for parents – with the whole school off on their summer trip on Monday, we will be going on a Bear Hunt and following our maps to find all the Blackwell Bears in each of the classes.  Can you remind the children on the weekend of the five different class colours – Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Blue to support them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Mrs Thomas X

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