Headteacher: Anna Moss

0121 445 1622

4th February 2022

Happy February!

As we move into a new month of February, we manage to squeeze in another season topic, Winter. In our SALT game we have been playing Winter bingo by matching up the picture cards to those on the boards. In our C&L sessions we have been sharing ‘One Snowy Night’ and looking for signs of Winter in this story. Mrs Allen has also been sharing her favourite Winter stories around the fire circle and taking you on a Winter walk to look for the signs. Do you have any Winter stories at home? Share them this weekend and look for the signs both in the story and when you are having some “fresh air” like Percy the Park Keeper! In Music we have been singing another new weekly song, “We Will Copy You” where you have been the leader with actions that we followed to the beat of the music. You have all come a long way with matching the beat to different pieces of music with the help of Mr Beat; it must be time for Mr Rhythm to come and play soon! In Phonics we have begun a new topic, alliteration. I wonder if your family at home could guess as it seems this is all you think/talk! We had fun with our own personal chants in Sound Disco – I wonder if you could think of something this weekend that would be in your song ready for next week? I know mine for Mander – mouse mouse mouse, me me me, melon melon melon. Charlie’s was my favourite – cheese, chocolate, chips! I look forward to hearing your songs when you return on Monday as this will link with our new sound boxes. In Write Dance we have been swaying, stirring and clawing on the tables to ‘House of the Bears’ and Dough Disco has been chosen by our friend Penelope - Miley Cyrus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRSYeqfunRI In Maths we have been using our own hands to learn all about left and right. We found the L shape on our left hand and used it to join in with this song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CX-jFsVtR4 – I would highly recommend watching if only to see people enjoying their job. We then used what we had learnt to read print from left to right in our environment. I wonder if you have any clothes with print on that you could wear next week so we can keep practising the left to right skill? In Forest School in the afternoons, you have been freezing chalk, cornflour and water to make your own mark making tools. Your favourite part was when Mrs Allen froze different objects into balls of ice and you used the magnifying glass to explore what happens to these when they warm up.

A message for parents – your allocated time for Wednesday night will have been delivered in the children’s bags this week – we look forward to seeing you all at your allotted time. The Learning Journeys to share their Nursery journey so far will be ready for you to enjoy.

Have a lovely weekend everyone

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen, Mrs Franklin, Miss Turner (am), Mrs Hampton (pm) and Miss Herlihy (student teacher) X

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