Nursery News ~ 1st April 2021
Happy Easter everyone! What a lovely sunny week we have had for our final week of the Spring term. It has felt just like the Summer term out in Forest School as we have been enjoying our morning snack outside and coats/waterproofs were even left on the balcony one afternoon! We have enjoyed sharing the Easter Story this week as we have role-played using our Christmas characters. Joseph became a grown up Jesus, the Three Wise Men became guards for the tomb and Mary became Mary Magdelene. We hope they come home with a little understanding of the meaning behind Easter and were able to share a little of their “child friendly” version of the story. I am sure you will agree they did a super job at this afternoon at the Easter Show. The Easter Show has always been a highlight of the year for parents and we missed having you join us in the hall. We hope you managed to spot them on the screen even when they were jumping beans. Have a lovely Easter everyone. |
Mrs Mander and the Nursery Team X