Happy Christmas
Well done Blue Class for a great end of term. Your performances of The Christmas Fir Tree were fantastic and I know your grown ups at home were equally as proud of you as the adults in school. You certainly led the way as Year 4s with great singing, dancing and narrating.
We’ve certainly shared a lot of exciting learning this half term from investigating Africa to setting up a World War Memory Cafe. And what a lovely end to the term today with a brilliant panto and fun party games. You've all been stars and made it really enjoyable for the adults too.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and enjoy spending time and having fun and lots of rest with your family and friends. Thank you so much for the very kind gifts and messages. It is very kind and generous of you.
Only five more sleeps to go so keep being patient and enjoy the Christmas festivities.
Love from Miss Townsend xxx