Blackwell Bear Travels
Hello Blue Class,
I hope you are enjoying the half term break after a very busy first half term in Year 4. You've all settled into Blue Class really well, have worked with determination and enthusiasm and it's been lovely to share in some memorable learning with you such as our Memory Cafe, an autumnal woodland walk with our Red Class friends and making and playing Autumn board games.
After half term, our new topic is Blackwell Bear Travels. He's going to take us on an exciting journey into the continent of Africa where we'll explore some key geographical features and compare life in a village in Tanzania to life in Blackwell. In addition, we'll investigate some African foods and you'll have the opportunity to design and make some of your own tasty African treats. Also, we'll develop our R.E. knowledge and skills by learning about some common religions in Africa. All of this learning will support our work towards an 'Our World Celebration' project. I'll explain more about this exciting project when we return to school.
Enjoy the rest of your half term break. Have plenty of rest and play but don't forget to keep reading and practising those times tables. We'll be revisiting the 3s and 4s when we return.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hopefully we'll be Rugby World Cup Champions by then!
Love from Miss Townsend x