Red Class Friday Fanfare 05.07.24


Hello Red Class Families,

This week, we started our new topic, ‘Food and Farming’ and we’re lucky enough to have two projects. Our first project is our class assembly and the second is to prepare for the whole school tea party.

In Maths, we continued our work on patterns and solved word problems using bar models. By the end of the week, the children were creating their own simple word problems and drawing a picture bar model to work out the answer. We’ve also spent the week counting in 2s to 20. I’ve set the children the challenge of trying to count in 2s at home.

In Literacy, we shared our new class story, “What Now!” Said the Cow. We’ve started to retell the story ready for our class assembly. Talking of our assembly, we’re already rehearsing songs and creating artwork for the big day. Just a reminder, our class assembly will take place in the school hall, Wednesday, 17th July at 8.45am. Please wait around Tea and Toast until the doors open.

In PSHE, we continued to use the Zones of Regulation to explore feelings and suggested ways to cope with wobbly feelings around change. From sharing a story to exercising and breathing exercises. Ask the children about ‘bear breathing’ and hopefully they will remember what to do!

It’s the Summer Fair tomorrow. The children have made a trophy for the Olympics. Don’t worry if you can’t attend. We’ll keep the trophies until the end of term. Thank you for all your support with lucky dip bags, raffle tickets, making cakes and the hamper!

See you tomorrow,

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx