Red Class Friday Fanfare 28.06.24


Hello Red Class Families,

What an exciting week! From learning about the Victorian times at Blists Hill to taking part in lots of sporting activities at the Ryland Centre. Not only did the children behave beautifully, but they tried hard in all events throughout both days. During assembly, Miss Townsend even commented on the children’s manners as they said goodbye to the coach driver. Well done, Team Red Class.

In Phonics, we’re starting to write longer sentences with some tricky words such as ‘stormed’. The children’s letter formation is improving every day and gradually reducing in size ready for Year 1. This week, we’ve been reading words ending with -ing and also -ed where the -ed is pronounced in different ways e.g. boasted, cleared, scooped.

It’s been all about patterns in Maths. The children have been copying, extending and creating their own patterns. As always, we keep our Mental Maths skills ticking over by counting back from 20, recalling 1 less than numbers to 20 and reciting and applying doubles, halves and number bonds.

In Computing lessons, we always start with reminders to keep safe online including how to keep your personal information safe e.g. name, age and address. We then moved on to programming the Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots. In PE, we completed our country dance and performed in front of our Nursery friends. Watch out for some fancy feet during our class assembly.

The children worked hard to make their terrariums. They showed good cooperation skills as they worked with a partner. We will now deliver them across school as gifts for the staff to brighten their classrooms.

We’ve issued new group reading books, however, due to our school trips, we will continue to share the same books next week to develop fluency, expression and comprehension skills.

Look out for after-school club (after 3.15pm) information. From Year 1, the children can take part in a range of after-school clubs. From September, the children have the opportunity to join our school choir or our new Rugby Tots club.

Next week, we start our new topic, ‘Food and Farming’. We have two exciting projects including planning for a tea party and our class assembly.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx