Red Class Friday Fanfare 21.06.24

Hello Red Class Families,

Today, the children enjoyed playing some of the games and activities they’ve been learning about in History. From marbles, to hoop rolling and hopscotch with skipping and a cup and ball too. Earlier in the week, we wrote labels for toys and sequenced them in time and wrote short sentences for Victorian kitchen artefacts. Our work will be presented in a Victorian information book.

In PSHE, we used the Zones of Regulation (red, yellow, green and blue) to talk about change. I showed a photograph of the children’s new classroom and asked them to tell me their colour e.g. red (angry), yellow (worried), green (happy and calm) or blue (sad). The children were great at naming their feelings/colour and some started to explain their reasons. We also discussed how some children might feel two colours at once or they might feel a certain way but they don’t know why. Next week, we will begin to think of strategies to cope with blue, red or yellow feelings. Today, we whispered our colour into our hands, gave the feeling a shake and then used a big breath to blow it away.

We started our country dance in PE. The children worked in two teams to practise some basic steps and tried hard to keep in time. As well as a big focus on counting back from 20, we’ve also been learning how to share equally in Maths and in Literacy lessons we’ve been reading and writing instructions to make our terrariums. Hopefully, we can make our terrariums next week.

Finally, we’ve issued one new reading book this week as we’ve used the same group reading books for two weeks. Mrs Moss’s group have a new book as you were due to change. If your child was part of the ‘teeth check’ today, they will have a letter in their bag to show the results.

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx