Red Class Friday Fanfare 14.06.24


Hello Red Class Families,

We’re nearly ready to start week 3, where is the time going? Over the last few weeks, there’s a final push to make sure we’re ready for Year 1. We’ve started talking about ‘change’ in our PSHE lessons and how this can be a really good thing. I’ve told the children they’ll be visiting their new classroom soon and they were very excited.

Hopefully, there should be a letter in your child’s book bag outlining the results of their vision check. We’ve also added new books. If you have the same group reading book, then your group reading teacher just wanted you to keep it for another week to increase speed and fluency. Remember to return your reading books every Friday so we can issue new ones. If you have any library books at home, remember to return these too. Some children choose a book they’ve already read or they choose to keep their book for an extra week, both choices are absolutely fine.

We’ve had a busy two weeks. I thought Red Class did incredibly well on Sport’s Day. Not only did they run their races, they participated in lots of additional events including throw rounders (adapted for 4 and 5 year olds!), multi skills and the treasure race. They showed great resilience and sportsmanship.

In History lessons, we’ve been learning about life as a Victorian child with a particular focus on toys and life at home. We looked at real objects from a Victorian home including an iron and used photos and videos to help our learning.

In Art sessions, we’ve been working with clay. The children have been learning how to pinch, twist and pull the clay, adding texture to their work by using tools and junk modelling. Today, they made a special piece which can be purchased at the Summer Fair. We sent home the children’s work from the week at 3.15pm. If you were a 1.40pm leaver today, don’t worry, I still have your clay work ready to go home on Monday.

In Maths, we’ve been looking at the composition of numbers using new equipment called Five-Wise. We’ve also been recapping work on ordinal numbers and trying really hard to recall number bonds to 5 mentally and some number bonds to 10.

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be starting our terrariums. If possible, please send in any glass jars (pasta or jam jars would be perfect). If you have any decorative stones or small plants and they’re going spare, we would be grateful of any donations.

Finally, a really big thank you for your support with our Golden Mile. The final total will appear in a newsletter soon. Your donations will go towards new sports equipment. Your support this year has been phenomenal.

Happy Father’s Day when we get there. Thank you to all our dads and grandads for all that you do for our little ones. Hopefully, there should be something special hiding in your child’s book bag.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx