Red Class Friday Fanfare 17.05.24


Hello Red Class Families,

First of all, thank you for your fantastic contributions to ‘Flag Day’. There were black stars on tops, cycling shorts and faces with many children representing Ghana. There were lots of other flags too. As promised, I wore the colours of Switzerland (Eurovision winners). In assembly, the children performed a retell of ‘Anna Hibiscus’s Song’. We also celebrated learning from across the school with singing, dancing, storytelling and even an interview with a famous author. Well done, Team Red and all the children of BFS.

Next week, we start our ‘Sport Around the World’ topic. As part of this topic, we’ll be learning poems about keeping fit and preparing for Sport’s Day. Earlier in the week, you may have spotted a fundraising form in your child’s book bag. Each class in the school will run a golden mile to raise money for new sports equipment. We started our challenge today with 5 laps of the playground. We’ll be running laps every day and we’d really appreciate your support. Please send donations into school after half term.

Sport’s Day will take place next Friday. Please bring a blanket and enjoy watching the activities around the field. As well as running two races, the children will take part in throw rounders, multi skills and a treasure relay race. The children will get dressed into their PE kits at school. I’ll contact you in the week if your child is missing any part of their kit e.g. shorts or their white top. They will need a small snack. A named banana or a small snack in a named pot would be perfect. Please apply sun cream before school and pack a sun hat.

Here’s hoping for a sunny weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx