Hello Red Class Families,
In Maths, it was all things capacity. We used water and sand to find ‘full’, ‘nearly full’, ‘half full’, ‘nearly empty’ and ‘empty’. We opened a new area on the balcony for the children to explore capacity in their Play and Explore time, in addition to the mud kitchen and sandpit outside. As always, we keep our mental maths skills ticking along every day with songs and games to help recall and apply mental maths facts.
To get ready for Year 1, we’re busy writing sentences with a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. If you’re working on your writing at home, I would recommend focusing on finger spaces, particularly my boys, as we know why to use them but sometimes forget to put spaces between words. If you notice your child finds this tricky at home, a lollipop stick acts as a good spacer.
In RE lessons, we’ve been talking about the Bible as a special book for Christians. We’ve role played stories from the Bible and talked about their messages, such as helping people and being grateful. We’ve also looked at stories from other religions, such as the Buddhist story of ‘Siddhartha and the Swan’, which reminds us to be kind and to look after animals.
In Music lessons, the children are working hard to create simple compositions with a partner. So far, the children have used claves and other untuned instruments. I think the chime sets are not too far away! We can also see progress in numeral formation. This is a focus every Tuesday with Mrs Hipkiss, but the children also write their numerals when they enter school as part of their morning routine. Well done, Red Class!
The children have coped well with the change in weather. If we’re lucky to see this beautiful weather again, please pack a sun hat.
Wishing everyone a glorious weekend in the sunshine. It’s my favourite weekend of the year…Eurovision! 😊
P.S. Remember to dress in the colours of a flag on Thursday. I might choose Ghana or perhaps the Eurovision winner!
Best wishes,
Mrs Webb and Team Red Class xxx