Hello Red Class Families,
It was all about subtraction in Maths. Again, we’re trying hard to apply our mental maths strategies to support our subtraction work. We finished the week creating simple number problems by looking at the information on a subtraction bar model. We’re working hard on our number bonds to 5 (pairs to make 5) and trying to recall these as quickly as possible.
We were busy reading two-syllable words in Phonics e.g. shampoo, blossom, forest, children and trying to automatically recall our tricky words as well as learning new words e.g. there, when and what. In Literacy lessons, we planned the beginning, middle and end of our story and it was lovely to see the children using post-it notes in their Play and Explore time to create their own plans.
We focused on the changing seasons in Science and created a little weather station outside the class door. We hope to add to this station during the half term. Computing lessons were all about staying safe online.
New reading books were issued today and eBooks were added to the children’s accounts. The eBook is the same book as the children’s group reading book. Please ensure books are returned on Fridays as we often swap books between groups and sometimes we’re short of the books we need.
Again, the standard of homework was incredible! It was lovely to see some children completing their first piece of homework. I’ve never seen the flag of Ghana created in so many ways! As part of our ‘Take a Trip’ topic, the children are invited to dress in the colours of any flag of the world, Thursday, 16th May. It would be great to see some colours from Ghana’s flag. On this day, the children will perform their class story to the rest of the school.
Hopefully, we’ll see better weather for the long weekend.
Mrs Webb and Team Red Class XXX