New topic

Hello Purple Class,

I just wanted to say well done for the fantastic book afternoon you hosted for Red Class today. You were able to share your stories, help the younger children develop new skills and of course have fun!

Our next topic will be Christianity and we look forward to learning stories, beliefs and practices. If you would like to do some homework over the next couple of weeks, you could do some research to find out more about this religion or perhaps visit a Christian place of worship yourself to see just what it is like.

Please continue to practise your reading and mental maths facts. Doubles and halves to double 20 and counting on and back in 3s would be a great place to start.

See you on Monday - with all your hats, scarves and gloves labelled with your names! :)

From Miss K, Peggy and Bertie (both currently eyeing me up with their feet on the bowl waiting for supper)