School Council

blackwell activity 01

    ...leadership in class and at a whole school level has been very strong... (Parent comment)

Each year, the School Council members are elected by peers and they serve to represent the pupils in the school on a variety of issues, such as regeneration of a part of the playground, esafety issues and collating opinions on aspects of teaching and learning.

Over the past five years the role of the School Council developed to include taking part in monitoring children's learning by accompanying the leadership team to look for evidence of good learning attitudes around the school. They also interview the Chair of Governors and head teacher as part of their work on school leadership and feed back to Governors in a Full Governing Body meeting. They have visited other schools and come back to school to share new ideas and fed back to the whole school.

 School Councillors 2024-25

During 2024-25 the School Councillors will focus on:

-design artwork for the playground

-support PFTA events and

-plan and lead an in school Arts Festival and a cross school Arts Festival of dance; music and art. 


Quotations from school councillors:

It is important that I remember to do my jobs or else I won't have anything to say at the meetings. (Year 3 child)

We decided that puppets would be a good use of the money that we raised and now the children play with them all of the time. (Year 2 child)

I have enjoyed being secretary, but it is hard work as I have so much to remember. (Year 4 child)

blackwell first school bromsgrove 19