14th June 2024

Forest School Activity

Sailing Boats

Mrs Allen has enjoyed teaching you all about knots this week as you have been tying string around sticks of the same size to create a raft for the fairies.  Developing these fine motor movements outdoors will improve your handwriting indoors next year.

Rhyme Time

Jack and Jill

A final push to hear and suggest those rhyming words with our last few rhymes now.  This week, it was a rhyme about a brother and sister called Jack and Jill – it was a new rhyme for lots of you.  We enjoyed finding rhyming words for both Jack and Jill – so many to choose from.


Staying Quiet(er)

As new friends continue to join and our confidence continues to increase, so does our noise level indoors.  Being able to stay quiet(er) and use an indoor voice is a key skill for school for next year.  We practised this with some quiet mornings – register, disco, introducing self.  We discovered that we have to use our eyes more to hear what people are saying.


In a Row

We revisited an old song this week – In a Row - and extended our learning.  We role played the song with small world characters and then enjoyed making teams of 7/8/9 and finding out what number we make when we add one more.  We have sound knowledge now of the two skills of “seeing number” and “counting number”.

Communication and Language

To the Beach

Miss Veillet enjoyed sharing this summer story about a little boy’s journey to the beach.  She enjoyed sequencing the vehicles he travelled in/on along the way, but the highlight was a Mary Poppins moment of jumping in to the picture to find out what you could see, hear and smell – what experiences you have all had of beaches.  The rockpool you created with her today was a highlight.

Fine Motor (am)

Dough Disco

Neave chose this week’s dough disco and what a choice – Head and Heart by Joel Corry.  We have enjoyed creating heart balls and beating them on our chest.  We have talked about reasons why our heart would beat slow and fast – never too young for your Science curriculum.

Gross Motor (pm)

Throwing and Catching

Miss Veillet has enjoyed teaching you the skills of throwing and catching with bubbles and scarves.  She taught you how to use your body to throw high and the shape your hands should be in when catching.  Throwing and catching balls is a 3-4 year old skill even though it can be a tricky one! 

A message for parents – we sadly say goodbye to Miss Veillet today as she heads off to another school to complete her journey to becoming a teacher.  The children have enjoyed her calm, kind and caring way and we have enjoyed her ability to be in three places at once due to her age.  Trainee teachers are such a treat to have as they come with their own fresh ideas that children will always remember – they will never forget her volcano! Thank you!

Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X