Forest School Activity |
Faces |
The mirrors made a return outdoors as you used them to look at your own face and have a go at creating these with salt dough. You took it in turns to prepare with Mrs Allen and then manipulated to create some wonderful shapes. |
Rhyme Time |
One Two Buckle my Shoes |
We have been picking up sticks and laying them straight as we sung along to this tune! Our morning rhyme time sessions are paying off as we hear lots of you creating your own rhyme in your own talk, songs. Your new teacher in September will be blown away. |
Phonics |
The volcano sound /v/ |
Miss Veillet taught her sound this week in phonics, the volcano sound. There were some familiar sounds in the box (Velcro) and some unfamiliar smells (vicks and vinegar). The highlight of the week has to be the use of her volcano model to create an actual real life one erupting in the Forest School on Thursday – wow! |
Listening |
Who is missing? |
With Miss Veillet teaching small phonics groups, you had an opportunity to play the game from last week with Mrs Allen in the quiet area. She took out our magnetic faces to help you spot who was hiding in your group. Harris and Lachlan, wow – your looking skills in this game blew Mrs Allen away as you spotted every time! |
Maths |
1 more, 1 less |
We took our learning outdoors with a twist on a maths game to match our lifecycles topic. We enjoyed taking it in turns with a friend to move up and down our numeral line. We now know the symbol for more and the symbol for less and used these to grow older and younger. Did you enjoy being 1 or 6 more? |
Communication and Language |
When I grow up, Lennie Goodings and Jenny Jones |
A lovely story to share to match our lifecycle topic perfectly. Lenny has big plans for when he grows up and lots of ideas of what he would like to be. This led to lots of conversations around what you would like to be when you grow up. |
Fine Motor (am) |
Dough Disco |
Georgiana was so happy to choose her favourite disco song this week – Baby Shark. We have worked hard to change our actions to work our fingers, wrists and arms with the dough. Next week, we take our routine ‘Wake and Shake’ into the whole school to share! |
Gross Motor (pm) |
Sponsored Run |
You should all have received the sponsorship form for our whole school Golden Mile run this week. With us having the littlest legs in school, we have start clocking up our distance already. Every afternoon, we are running five laps of the playground. 28 laps = 1 mile. We can do this! |
A message for parents – a reminder that Sports Day is on Friday 24th May. If your little one does not attend on this day, either send them in normal time and we will see you on the field at 2pm OR we will meet you on the field at 2pm and they can come and join us if they want to. Mrs Mander, Mrs Allen and Mrs Franklin X |