Hello Everyone,
Very well done Blue Class for working so hard this half term during our 'Take a Trip' and 'Sport Around the World' topics. It has been fascinating learning where you've further developed your understanding of the wider world and its diversity and investigated aspirational people from near and far. Bell boating, creating electrical circuits with buzzers and bulbs, showcasing your learning with the rest of the school with your PowerPoint presentations, finding out what decimal numbers are and exploring the Olympics with friends from Astley Primary School are just a few of the headlines from this half term. Phew... we'll all need a good rest next week.
Thank you to your grown ups at home for supporting you in so many ways this half term from encouraging quality homework each week, working on targets shared at parent consultations and helping to develop your independence. Parental support is greatly appreciated and it makes such a difference to academic progress and learning behaviours.
Have a lovely half term and, fingers crossed, some warm, sunny weather makes an appearance. Keep enjoying lots of reading and times table games over the next few days too. Your times table fluency and accuracy have greatly improved as a result of lots of practise both at home and in school so keep going during the holiday so you'll be ready and raring to go for our special times table quiz during the first two weeks back.
Have fun, keep safe and we'll see you after the half term break.
Love from Miss Townsend and Miss Kuriger xxx