Red Class News 2

Dear Families,

Another good day. We always start the day with listening games and today the children enjoyed being ‘fidget monitors’ and playing their instruments every time the green traffic light appeared. At school, we talk about our listening rules a lot. We encourage the children to do the following:

1.     Look at the person speaking.

2.    Sit still.

3.    Stay quiet.

4.    Listen to all the words.

We’re also encouraging the children to put their finger on their nose when they want to answer a question, rather than calling out. By showing this sign, we can take turns fairly and listen to each other. Each day, we’re getting better at this.

Mrs Reid showed the children how to get ready for outdoor play and opened the mud kitchen. We also introduced the children to our snack and toilet routine. They were very good at finding their name peg to show they were visiting the toilet and selected their snack when they felt hungry.

In our Maths session, we performed a song called “Little Soldiers” where we practised reciting number names and linked each number name to the correct number of fingers. We also played bunny ears where we showed numbers in different ways. For example, making 2 with 1 finger on each hand or 2 fingers on 1 hand.

If you would like an appointment for a settling-in meeting, please see the sheet opposite the wooden gate on the balcony.

We’re looking forward to another lovely day tomorrow.

Mrs Webb, Mrs Reid, Mrs Cain and Miss Davis xxx