Core Skills at Blackwell

blackwell first school bromsgrove 15  ...I feel grateful on a daily basis that my child is a pupil at Blackwell. He has two more years to go, but already does not want to leave... (Parent comment)

The basic skills of oracy (speaking and communication), reading, writing, maths and social skills are key to any child’s success in all areas of learning.

Year 4 Job Scheme

Our core skills support the development of all areas of learning, leading to children with the values and competencies as outlined in our school vision. The Year 4 Job Scheme exemplifies these in action and sees the children applying for jobs; gaining references; earning 'Blackwell pounds'; working hard; earning interest and making choices about spending their money. Watching the children in action as part of this scheme is evidence of the hard work of the previous few years. 

The table below illustrates some of the activities available to the children to help their skill development.





Social skills

A’talk rich’ curriculum and staff all trained in Elklan language development and following Elklan strategies

Curriculum opportunities such as guided reading, reading practice, performance reading, storytime sessions and modelling of teacher reading

Daily writing as part of a language rich curriculum

Daily maths skills, particularly number skills and mental maths skills, taught, including Times Tables for Year 2 onwards

Relationship and Behaviour policy to support social skills, including care for our school pets. Hetty the school dog and our guineas provide opportunities for care. 

Learning Partners

Reading with variety of volunteers

Writing across the curriculum

Opportunities for creative maths homework both online and in homework books

Learning partners used across the school

Opportunities for presentation, for example reading stories to visitors at an exhibition, school productions, class assemblies

Homework activities linked to reading, including computer based learning

Opportunities for presenting and celebrating writing through displays and celebrations

Use of resources, models and images to ensure children understand number

Philosophy for Children extends development of thinking, empathy

Philosophy for Children sessions

Systematic synthetic phonics teaching

‘Writedance’ used for all children to develop a cursive joined handwriting style

Talk for maths used to develop children’s ability to think and reason

Universal values collective worship themes

Homework opportunities linked to oracy

A clear progression of knowledge and skills teaching and learning

Creative homework activities to engage children in writing

Maths applied across the curriculum

Project learning to develop co-operation